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Título: Diversity and genetic struture in cajá tree (Spondias mombin L.) populations in Northeastern Brazil.
Autoria: SILVA, E. F. da
Afiliação: Edson Ferreira da Silva, UFRPE; Luiza Suely Semen Martins, UFRPE; VISELDO RIBEIRO DE OLIVEIRA, CPATSA.
Ano de publicação: 2009
Referência: Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, Jaboticabal, v. 31, n. 1, p. 174-181, mar. 2009.
Conteúdo: Spondias mombinL. is a fruit tree from the American continent from the Anacardiaceae family. In Brazil it is common in different vegetation types but is more frequent in the Atlantic and Amazonian rainforests. It is economically important because of its fruits, which are widely consumed raw or processed as fruit jellies, juices and ice creams. The leaves have great importance in the pharmaceutical industry because of their antibacterial properties. In the state of Pernambuco, cajá tree is widely distributed in the Zona da Mata region and less frequently in the Agreste and Sertão areas. In this work diversity and genetic structure were studied in four populations of cajá tree from Pernambuco?s Zona da Mata, Northeast Brazil, using isozymes polymorphism analyses from electrophoreses. The result showed 100% of polymorphism (P) for nine alleles (A)and the average of alleles per locus s was 2.4. The expected heterozygosity (He) ranged from 0.530 to 0.574 and the observed heterozygosity (Ho), from 0.572 to 0.735. It was not observedin breeding and the average FIT was -0.175, whereas within population inbreeding (f) varied from -0.08 to - 0.37. The genetic divergence among the populations (FST) ranged from 0.006 to 0.028 and the average was 0.026. The average of estimated gene flow (Nm) was high (5.27). The CG-IPA population, corresponding to the germplasm collection of IPA, showed more than 96% of genetic similarity with other populations; therefore, it is a good representative of the existent genetic diversity in the Zona da Mata region.
Thesagro: Genética vegetal
NAL Thesaurus: Spondias
Germplasm conservation
Palavras-chave: Cajazeira
Conservação de germoplasma
Diversidade genética
Spondias mombin L
Genetic diversity
Tipo do material: Artigo de periódico
Acesso: openAccess
Aparece nas coleções:Artigo em periódico indexado (CPATSA)

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