Browsing by Author McMANUS, C. M.

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Autocorrelação espacial e descontinuidades genéticas em bovinos Pantaneiro e Curraleiro Pé-Duro: uma abordagem da genética geográfica com uso de marcadores SNP.SILVA, M. C.; MATIKA, O.; BISHOP, S. C.; PEREIRA, R. M.; MOURA, M. I.; McMANUS, C. M.; FIORAVANTI, M. C. S.; JULIANO, R. S.; SERENO, J. R. B.
2015Competitiveness levels in cattle herd farms.MARQUES, P. R.; BARCELLOS, J. O. J.; DILL, M. D.; DIAS, E. A.; AZEVEDO, E. V. T.; LAMPERT, V. do N.; McMANUS, C. M.
2015Genetic parameters for linear type traits and milk, fat, and protein production in holstein cows in Brazil.CAMPOS, R. V.; COBUCI, J. A.; KERN, E. L.; COSTA, C. N.; McMANUS, C. M.
2014Georeferenced evaluation of genetic breeding value patterns in Brazilian Holstein cattle.COSTA, N. S.; HERMUCHE, P.; COBUCI, J. A.; PAIVA, S. R.; GUIMARÃES, R. F.; CARVALHO JÚNIOR, O. A.; GOMES, R. A. T.; COSTA, C. N.; McMANUS, C. M.
2014Grazing intensity and stocking methods on animal production and methane emission by grazing sheep: implications for integrated crop-livestock system.SAVIAN, J. V.; BARTH NETO, A.; DAVID, D. B. de; BREMM, C.; SCHONS, R. M. T.; GENRO, T. C. M.; AMARAL, G. A. do; GERE, J.; McMANUS, C. M.; BAYER, C.; CARVALHO, P. C. de F.
2017Infrared thermography as a method for evaluating the heat tolerance in dairy cows.DALTRO, D. dos S.; FISCHER, V.; ALFONZO, E. P. M.; DALCIN, V. C.; STUMPF, M. T.; KOLLING, G.; SILVA, M. V. G. B.; McMANUS, C. M.
2015Relationship between physical attributes and heat stress in dairy cattle from different genetic groups.ALFONZO, E. P.; SILVA, M. V. G. B.; SANTOS, D. D. dos; STUMPF, M. T.; DALCIN, V. C.; KOLLING, G.; FISCHER, V.; McMANUS, C. M.
2016Single marker assisted selection in Brazilian Morada Nova hair sheepcommunity-based breeding program.LACERDA, T. S.; CAETANO, A. R.; FACO, O.; FARIA, D. A. de; McMANUS, C. M.; LOBO, R. N. B.; SILVA, K. de M.; PAIVA, S. R.
2012Spatialization of climate, physical and socioeconomic factors that affect the dairy goat production in Brazil and their impact on animal breeding decisions.LOPES, F. B.; SILVA, M. C. da; MIYAGI, E. S.; FIORAVANTI, M. C. S.; FACO, O.; GUIMARÃES, R. F.; CARVALHO JÚNIOR, O. A. de; McMANUS, C. M.
2012Validation of a low density SNP panel for breed certification testing in Brazilian sheep (Ovis aries) breeds as a tool for flock genetic management.PAIVA, S. R.; VIEIRA, F. D.; YAMAGISHI, M. E. B.; LACERDA, T. S.; VASCONCELOS, C.; TANNO, P.; HIGA, R. H.; McMANUS, C. M.; CARNEIRO, P. L.; AZEVEDO, H. C.; FACO, O.; SOUZA, C. J. H.; ARAUJO, A. M.; MARTINS, V. M. V.; CAETANO, A.