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Resultado 1-10 de 103.
Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2012The potential of rice to offer solutions for malnutrition and chronic diseases.DIPTI, S. S.; BERGMAN, C.; INDRASARI, S. D.; HERATH, T.; HALL, R.; LEE, H.; HABIBI, F.; BASSINELLO, P. Z.; GRATEROL, E.; FERRAZ, J. P.; FITZGERALD, M.
2013The kinetics of lipase activity and hydrolytic rancidity of raw, parboiled, and extruded rice bran during storage.LACERDA, D. B. C. L.; SOARES JÚNIOR, M. S.; BASSINELLO, P. Z.; CALIARI, M.; CASTRO, M. V. L.
2015Molecular and biochemical characterization of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in upland rice under drought.DEUS, K. E. de; LANNA, A. C.; ABREU, F. R. M.; SILVEIRA, R. D. D.; PEREIRA, W. J.; BRONDANI, C.; VIANELLO, R. P.
2016Draft genome sequence of Pantoea ananatis strain AMG521, a rice plant growth-promoting bacterial endophyte isolated from the Guadalquivir Marshes in Southern Spain.MEGÍA, E.; MEGÍAS, M.; OLLERO, F. J.; HUNGRIA, M.
2016Expression of rice genes homologous of Arabidopsis genes previously related to drought tolerance.ABREU, F. R. M.; DEUS, K. E. de; PEREIRA, W. J.; SILVEIRA, R. D. D.; VIANELLO, R. P.; BRONDANI, C.
2012Photosynthesis and sugar concentration are impaired by the defective active silicon uptake in rice plants infected with Bipolaris oryzae.DALLAGNOLA, L. J.; RODRIGUES, F. A.; CHAVES, A. R. de M.; VALE, F. X. R.; MATTA, F. M. da
2012Life cycle of Glyphepomis spinosa Campos & Grazia (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae): a new pest of rice in Brazil.ALVES, T. M.; BARRIGOSSI, J. A. F.; QUINTELA, E. D.
2013Diazotrophic bacteria isolated from wild rice Oryza glumaepatula (Poaceae) in the Brazilian Amazon.FERNANDES JUNIOR, P. I.; PEREIRA, G. M. D.; PERIN, L.; SILVA, L. M. da; BARAÚNA, A. C.; ALVES, F. M.; PASSOS, S. R.; ZILLI, J. E.
2012Soma térmica de fases de desenvolvimento de cultivares de arroz irrigado em função da época de semeadura.DE CARLI, C.; ROSA, H. T.; STRECK, N. A.; SEGATTO, P. R.; BECKER, C. C.; MARCHESAN, E.; STEINMETZ, S.
2012Lowland rice genotypes evaluation for nitrogen use efficiency in brazilian acid soil.FAGERIA, N. K.; SANTOS, A. B.; MOREIRA, A.; MORAES, L. A. C.