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Title: Soil calcium and pH monitoring sensor system.
Authors: LEMOS, S. G.
Affiliation: Sherlan, G. Lemos - UFSCar; ANA RITA DE ARAUJO NOGUEIRA, CPPSE; ANDRE TORRE NETO, CNPDIA; Aleix Parra - Universidade Autonoma Barcelona; Julian Alonso - Universidade Autonoma Barcelona.
Date Issued: 2007
Citation: Journal Agricultural and Food Chemestry, 2007, v. 55, p. 4658-4663, 2007.
Description: An agrarian sensorial system based on temperature, moisture, and all solid-state ion-selective potentiometric sensors was developed with the objective of monitoring the behavior of H+ and Ca2+ ions in soil and in real conditions, contributing with a new tool that tries to complement the current precision agriculture technology. The evaluation of the sensorial system to pH monitoring presented a good correlation between the results obtained by the system and the standard methodology, allowing us to notice the soil buffer capacity at different soil depths. With regard to calcium, the sensor system also presented an agreement between its results and those obtained by flame atomic absorption spectrometry, using a calibration model based on multiple linear regressions that allows the correct determination of Ca2+ concentrations in soil depths where the relative moisture is different. In this way, using well-known potentiometric sensors in a complex, discontinued, and heterogeneous matrix, such as soil, the sensorial system proved to be a useful task for agrochemical field applications.
Thesagro: Ph
NAL Thesaurus: calcium
precision agriculture
Keywords: In situ soil analysis
Potentiometric sensor
Type of Material: Artigo de periódico
Access: openAccess
Appears in Collections:Artigo em periódico indexado (CPPSE)

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