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Título: Bioprospection and extracts chemical characterization of plant growth promoting bacteria and antagonists of agricultural pests.
Autor: MACEDO, E. de M.
Afiliación: ELAINE DE M. MACEDO, Mass Spectrometry and Chemical ecology Laboratory (MS-CELL), Center for Natural and Human Sciences, UFABC; RODRIGO MENDES, CNPMA; CÉLIO F. F. ANGOLINI, Mass Spectrometry and Chemical ecology Laboratory (MS-CELL), Center for Natural and Human Sciences, UFABC.
Año: 2023
Referencia: In: BRAZILIAN CONFERENCE ON NATURAL PRODUCTS, 9.; MEETING ON MICROMOLECULAR EVOLUTION, SYSTEMATICS AND ECOLOGY, 35.; 2023, Salvador. Proceedings of the 9th Brazilian Conference on Natural Product/ XXXV RESEM, v. 9, 2023, 166932.
Páginas: 1 p.
Descripción: In the present work, 11 bacteria previously identified as fungal pathogen antagonist were used. For the chemical characterization of potential antifungal metabolites, a screening was first performed through co-cultures to identify the best antagonists against seven agricultural pathogens. Of the 77 combinations tested, at least 44 (57%) showed potential antagonism, especially CMAA1398 and CMAA1399, inhibiting all tested fungi strains. Now, the CMAA1399 extract is under characterization by MS.
Thesagro: Controle Biológico
Estimulante de Crescimento Vegetal
NAL Thesaurus: Biopesticides
Environmental sustainability
Biological control
Growth promotion
Tipo de Material: Resumo em anais e proceedings
Acceso: openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Resumo em anais de congresso (CNPMA)

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