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Título: Phosphorus use efficiency by brazilian common bean genotypes assessed by the 32P dilution technique.
Autor: FRANZINI, V. I.
Afiliación: VINICIUS IDE FRANZINI, CPATU; T. MURAOKA, CENA/USP; J.J ADU-GYAMFI, International Atomic Energy Agency; J.P. LYNCH, Pennsylvania State University.
Año: 2013
Referencia: In: OPTIMIZING productivity of food crop genotypes in low nutrient soils. Vienna: FAO: IAEA, 2013.
Páginas: p. 103-118.
Descripción: The objectives of this work were to identify the most efficient common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes on phosphorus (P) utilization, and verify if P from the seed affects the classification of common bean genotypes on P uptake efficiency when the 32P isotopic dilution technique is used. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, and plants were grown in pots with surface samples of a dystrophic Typic Haplustox. The treatments consisted of 50 common bean genotypes and two standard plant species, efficient or inefficient in P uptake. The results were assessed through correlation and cluster analysis (multivariate). Sangue de Boi, Rosinha, Thayú, Grafite, Horizonte, Pioneiro and Jalo Precoce common bean genotypes were the most efficient on P uptake, and Carioca 80, CNF 10, Pérola, IAPAR 31, Roxão EEP, Aporé, Pioneiro, Pontal, Timbó and Rudá were the most efficient in P utilization. The P derived from seed influences the identification of common bean genotypes for P uptake efficiency.
Thesagro: Feijão
Citación: (IAEA Tecdoc, 1721).
Tipo de Material: Parte de livro
Acceso: openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Capítulo em livro científico (CPATU)

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