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Título: Effects of a small scale non-mechanised forest management and a high impact and mechanised forest management on the forest dynamics and growth of the residual trees.
Autor: OLIVEIRA, M. V. N. d'.
Año: 2000
Referencia: In: SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DA IUFRO, 2000, Belém, PA. Manejo integrado de florestas úmidas neotropicais por indústrias e comunidades: aplicando resultado de pesquisa, envolvendo atores e definindo políticas públicas: resumos. Belém: Embrapa, 2000.
Páginas: p. 111.
Descripción: This study was perfonned in PSPs located at the CPAr-ACRE EMORAPA expcrirnental area and at the PC Peixoto management areas. AI CPA F-ACR E the managed area was meehanically exploited in 1992 and at PC Peixoto animal traction was used to extract the planks.
Palabras clave: Manejo florestal
Projeto Pedro Peixoto
Tipo de Material: Resumo em anais e proceedings
Acceso: openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Resumo em anais de congresso (CPAF-AC)

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