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Título: Influência da temperatura do ar e da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa no crescimento e desenvolvimento do milho BR 106 cultivado sob plantio direto.
Autor: SILVA, M. A. V. da
ANDRADE, V. M. S. de
COSTA, J. M. N. da
Afiliación: Marcos Antônio Vanderlei da Silva, UNEB; Vanda Maria Sales de Andrade; WILLIAMS PINTO MARQUES FERREIRA, CNPMS; Evandro Chaves de Oliveira, UFV; José Maria Nogueira da Costa, UFV; Paulo Henrique Lopes Gonçalves, UFV.
Año: 2010
Referencia: In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE METEOROLOGIA, 16., 2010, Belém. A Amazônia e o clima global: anais. Belém: SBMET, 2010.
Descripción: It was performed a searching on Sete Lagoas-MG, with the maize BR 106, to quantify the influence of micrometeorological variables, air temperature and photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), growth and development, in a canopy cultivated under no-tillage. The experiment was conducted on a pivot 38 ha in Embrapa Maize and Sorghum (Sete Lagoas-MG). The growth of the BR 106 was affected by variations in the canopy microclimate, characterized by extended periods of cloudiness and variations in the energy, especially light and air temperature, contributing to the ceilings of the main attributes ecophysiological growth were observed during periods which defines the size of the spike and the maximum dry matter accumulation by plants, and beginning the accumulation of starch in the endosperm of the grain. The accumulation of PAR intercepted was satisfactory relationship with the dry biomass and accumulated air may be a suitable parameter to quantify the biomass production of corn BR 106, using the coefficient α.
Thesagro: Milho
Palabras clave: RFA
Produção de biomassa seca
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Tipo de Material: Artigo em anais e proceedings
Acceso: openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Artigo em anais de congresso (CNPMS)

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