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2017Encrypted antimicrobial peptides from plant proteins.RAMADA, M. H. S.; BRAND, G. D.; ABRÃO, F. Y.; OLIVEIRA, M.; CARDOZO FILHO, J. L.; GALBIERI, R.; GRAMACHO, K. P.; PRATES, M. V.; BLOCH JUNIOR, C.
2014Evaluation of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for identification of environmental yeasts and development of supplementary database.AGUSTINI, B. C.; SILVA, L. P. da; BLOCH JUNIOR, C.; BONFIM, T. M. B.; SILVA, G. A. da
2005Fast analysis of low molecular mass compounds present in snake venom: identification of ten new pyroglutamate-containing peptides.WERMELINGER, L. S.; DUTRA, D. L. S.; OLIVEIRA-CARVALHO, A. L.; SOARES, M. R.; BLOCH JUNIOR, C.; ZINGALI, R. B.
2010Frontoxins, three-finger toxins from Micrurus frontalis venom, decrease miniature endplate potential amplitude at frog neuromuscular junction.MOREIRA, K. G.; PRATES, M. V.; ANDRADE, F. A.; SILVA, L. P. da; BEIRÃO, P. S.; KUSHMERICK, C.; NAVES, L. A.; BLOCH JUNIOR, C.
2005Further report of the occurrence of tetrodoxin and new analogues in the Anuran family Brachycephalidae.PIRES JUNIOR, O. R.; SEBBEN, A.; SCHWARTZ. E. F.; MORALES, R. A. V.; BLOCH JUNIOR, C.; SCHWARTZ, C. A.
2010Heterologous Expression and Purification of a Heat-Tolerant Staphylococcus xylosus Lipase.BROD, F. C. A.; PELISSER, M. R.; BERTOLDO, J. B.; VERNAL, J.; BLOCH JUNIOR, C.; TERENZI, H.; ARISI, A. C. M.; ARISI, A. C. M.
2012HPLC fractionation of peptides obtained after partial hydrolysis of a whey protein isolate.MELLINGER-SILVA, C.; STEPHAN, M. P.; AZEVEDO, T. de L.; BLOCH JUNIOR, C.; PRATES, M. V.; LAGO, R. C. A.
2005Hypotensive bradikinin-like and phyllokinin peptides from Phyllomedusa tarsius.MUNDIM, N. C. C. R.; VENTURINI, B. A.; PRATES, M. V.; BRAND, G. D.; BLOCH JUNIOR, C.
2004Identification and characterization of a novel cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) clone with high free sugar content and novel starch.CARVALHO, L. J. C. B.; SOUZA, C. R. B. de; CASCARDO, J. C. de M.; BLOCH JUNIOR, C.; CAMPOS, L.
2007Identification of an alpha-amylase inhibitor from Pterodon pubescens with ability to inhibit Cowpea weevil digestive enzymes.SILVA, D. P.; CASADO-FILHO, E. L.; CORRÊA, A. S. R.; FARIAS, L. R.; BLOCH JUNIOR, C.; GROSSI DE SÁ, M. F.; MENDES, P. A. M.; QUIRINO, B. F.; NORONHA, E. F.; FRANCO, O. L.
2021Identification of differential N-Glycan compositions in the serum and tissue of colon cancer patients by mass spectrometry.COURA, M. de M. A.; BARBOSA, E. A.; BRAND, G. D.; BLOCH JUNIOR, C.; SOUSA, J. B. de
2018Imaging mass spectrometry of endogenous polypeptides and secondary metabolites from galls induced by root-knot nematodes in tomato roots.BARBOSA, E. A.; BONFIM JÚNIOR, M. F.; BLOCH JUNIOR, C.; ENGLER, G.; ROCHA, T. L.; ENGLER, J. de A.
1999Inibidores de alpha-amilase do trigo ativos contra alpha-amilases de bruquídeos e explicação estrutural das especificidades observadas.FRANCO, O. L.; RIDGEN, D. J.; MELO, F. R.; BLOCH JUNIOR, C.; GROSSI-de- SÁ, M. F.
2019Intragenic antimicrobial peptides (IAPs) from human proteins with potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity.BRAND, G. D.; RAMADA, M. H. S.; MANICKCHAND, J. R.; CORREA, R.; RIBEIRO, D. J. S.; SANTOS, M. A.; VASCONCELOS, A. G.; ABRÃO, F. Y.; PRATES, M. V.; MURAD, A. M.; CARDOZO FILHO, J. L.; LEITE, R. S. A.; MAGALHÃES, K. G.; OLIVEIRA, A. L.; BLOCH JUNIOR, C.
2003Investigations on the binding of mercury ions to albumins employing differential pulse voltammetry.CASTRO, C. S. P. de; SOUZADE, J. R.; BLOCH JUNIOR, C.
2006Ion-exchange chromatography used to isolate a spermadhesin-related protein from domestic goat (Capra hircus) seminal plasma.TEIXEIRA, D. I. A.; MELO, L. M.; GADELHA, C. A. de A.; CUNHA, R. M. S. da; BLOCH JUNIOR, C.; RÁDIS-BAPTISTA, G.; CAVADA, B. S.; FREITAS, V. J. de F.
2010Leptodactylus ocellatus (Amphibia): mechanism of defense in the skin and molecular phylogenetic relationships.LEITE JÚNIOR, J. M. A.; SILVA, L. P. da; SILVA LEITE, R. R.; FERRARI, A. S.; NORONHA, S. E. de; SILVA, H. R.; BLOCH JUNIOR, C.; LEITE, J. R. de S. de A.
2008Lipopeptides produced by a soil Bacillus megaterium strain.PUEYO, M. T.; BLOCH JUNIOR, C.; CARMONA RIBEIRO, A. M.; MASCIO, P. di.
2014MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry applied to identifying species of insect-pathogenic fungi from the Metarhizium anisopliae complex.LOPES, R. B.; FARIA, M.; SOUZA, D. A. de; BLOCH JUNIOR, C.; SILVA, L. P.
2005Mapping contacts between regulatory domains of skeletal muscle TnC and Tnl by analyses of a single-chain chimeras.TIROLI, A. O.; TASIC, L.; OLIVEIRA, C. L. P.; BLOCH JUNIOR, C.; TORRIANI, I.; FARAH, C. S.; RAMOS, C. H. I.