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Showing results 10 to 29 of 36 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Dissolved CO2 in small catchment streams of Eastern Amazonia.DAVIDSON, E. A.; FIGUEIREDO, R. O.; MARKEWITZ, D.; SILVA, P. S.
2006Dissolved organic and inorganic carbon in small streams in Eastern Amazonia.COSTA, F. F.; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; MARKEWITZ, D.; DAVIDSON, E. A.
2007Early-successional dynamics of tree species composition in relation to nitrogen and phosphorus supply in degraded pasture in Eastern Amazonia.SIDDIQUE, I.; VIEIRA, I. C. G.; SCHMIDT, S.; LAMB, D.; CARVALHO, C. J. R. de; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; DAVIDSON, E. A.
2006Effects of land use change on stream water chemistry in three meso-scale catchments in Eastern Amazonia.FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; MARKEWITZ, D.; DAVIDSON, E. A.; SCHULER, M. A. E.; SILVA, P. de S.; RANGEL-VASCONCELOS, L. G. T.; PAES, R. T. S.; LIMA, L. M.
2003Effects of slash-and-mulch and slash-an-burn agriculture on emissions of nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, carbon dioxide, and methane from soil.DAVIDSON, E. A.; SÁ, T. D. de A.; FREITAS, J. F. B.; KATO, M. do S. A.; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; SABÁ, R. T.; ISHIA, F. Y.; SANTOS, E. B. dos
2002Emissions of CO2, CH4, N2O, and NO in a chronosequence of secondary forests in eastern Amazonia.ISHIDA, F. Y.; SABÁ, R. T.; DAVIDSON, E. A.; CARVALHO, C. J. R. de; FUGUEIREDO, R. de O.; SANTOS, M. T. P. dos; PANTOJA, K. de F. R.; FREIRE, G. S.
2005Estudo estatístico preliminar de parâmetros físico-químicos e biogeoquímicos das águas do Igarapé 54 em Paragominas/PA - Amazônia Oriental.PACHECO JÚNIOR, A. C.; SILVA, P. S.; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; CUNHA, E. da S.; SCHULER, M.; MARKEWITZ, D.; DAVIDSON, E. A.
2002Fallow vegetation and agricultural sustainability in eastern Amazonia: bringing out ecological features in the present and alternative scenarios.SÁ, T. D. de A.; VIELHAUER, K.; DAVIDSON, E. A.
2004Hydrological processes in small forest and pasture catchments of the eastern amazônia.SCHULER, M. A. E.; MORAES, J. M. de; DUNNE, T.; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; MARKEWITZ, D.; DAVIDSON, E. A.; VICTORIA, R. L.
2005Influência do uso da terra sobre a qualidade das águas de quatro igarapés na Amazônia Oriental: variabilidade espacial e sazonal de pH, condutividade elétrica, oxigênio dissolvido, temperatura, e turbidez.SILVA, P. de S.; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; CUNHA, E. da S.; SCHULER, M.; MARKEWITZ, D.; DAVIDSON, E. A.
2006Integration of biogeochemical and hydrological data in pasture and forest covered catchments in Eastern Amazonia.RANGEL-VASCONCELOS, L. G. T.; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; SCHULER, M. A. E.; MARKEWITZ, D.; DAVIDSON, E. A.
2004Internal carbon cycling in native Cerrado and a pasture in Central Brazil.ADUAN, R. E.; KLINK, C. A.; DAVIDSON, E. A.
2018Is biological nitrogen fixation important in tropical successional forests?DAVIDSON, E. A.; MARKEWITZ, D.; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; NIFONG, R.
2010Land-use effects on the chemical attributes of low-order streams in the eastern Amazon.FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; MARKEWITZ, D.; DAVIDSON, E. A.; SCHULER, A. E.; WATRIN, O. dos S.; SILVA, P. de S.
2002Mechanisms of conservation and cycling of N and P in a chronosequence of secondary vegetation in Eastern Amazonia.CARVALHO, C. J. R. de; CHU, E. Y.; DAVIDSON, E. A.; SANTOS, M. T. P. dos; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; FREIRE, G. S.; PANTOJA, K. de F. R.
2010Nitrogen and phosphorus additions negatively affect tree species diversity tropical forest regrowth trajectories.SIDDIQUE, I.; VIEIRA, I. C. G.; SCHIMIDT, S.; LAMB, D.; CARVALHO, C. J. R. de; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; BLOMBERG, S.; DAVIDSON, E. A.
2007Objective indicators of pasture degradation from spectral mixed model analysis of landsat imagery.DAVIDSON, E. A.; ASNER, G. P.; STONE, T. A.; NEILL, C.; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.
2006Pathways of nutrient flow in an eastern Amazonian watershed.MARKEWITZ, D.; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; SCHULER, M. E.; DAVIDSON, E. A.
2011Simulated drought in the Amazon: impacts on soil solution and nutrient fluxes.MARKEWITZ, D.; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; DAVIDSON, E. A.; NEPSTAD, D. C.
2004Soil carbon stocks and dynamics in Acre: contrasts with the remaining Brazilian Amazon.MELO, A. W. F. de; CAMARGO, P. B. de; SALIMON, C. I.; DAVIDSON, E. A.; TRUMBORE, S. E.; VALENTIM, J. F.