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Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2015As pesquisas sobre o cancro europeu das pomáceas no Brasil.ALVES, S. A. M.; NUNES, C. C.; MENDES, R.
2009Produtividade e vigor do maracujazeiro-amarelo plantado em covas e plantio direto sob manejo orgânico.ARAÚJO NETO, S. E.; SOUZA, S. R. de; SALDANHA, C. S.; FONTINELE, Y. da R.; NEGREIROS, J. R. da S.; MENDES, R.; AZEVEDO, J. M. A. de; OLIVEIRA, E. B. de L.
2012Quantification of Archaea and bacteria domains in the sheep rumen incubated under two diet conditions.ROMAGNOLI, E. M; LOPES, L. D.; SILVA, L. R. F, da; NAKAMURA, F. M; SBARDELLA, M.; PEREIRA, R.; SILVA, W. D.; TSAI, S. M.; ANDREOTE, F. D.; MENDES, R.
2014Quantification of bacteria and archaea in rhizosphere of wild and modern common bean.CHIARAMONTE, J. B.; FLORES, S. W. S.; ROMAGNOLI, E. M.; ROSSMAN, M.; MENDES, R.
2015Quantification of the mycorrhizal fungal community associated with a modern wheat cultivar (Triticum aestivum) and with a wheat ancestor.ROSSMANN, M.; CHIARAMONTE, J. B.; MENDES, R.
2022Repeated exposure of wheat to the fungal root pathogen Bipolaris sorokiniana affects rhizosphere microbiome assembly and disease suppressiveness.COSTA, L. S. A. S.; FARIA, M. R. de; CHIARAMONTE, J. B.; MENDES, L. W.; SEPO, E.; HOLLANDER, M. de; FERNANDES, J. M. C.; CARRIÓN, V. J.; BETTIOL, W.; RAAIJMAKERS, J. M.; MENDES, R.
2023Repeated exposure of wheat to the fungal root pathogen Bipolaris sorokiniana modulates rhizosphere microbiome assembly and disease suppressiveness.COSTA, L. S. A. S.; FARIA, M. R. de; CHIARAMONTE, J. B.; MENDES, L. W.; SEPO, E.; HOLLANDER, M. de; FERNANDES, J. M. C.; CARRIÓN, V. J.; BETTIOL, W.; MAUCHLINE, T. H.; RAAIJMAKERS, J. M.; MENDES, R.
2019Resistance breeding of common bean shapes the physiology of the rhizosphere microbiome.MENDES, L. W.; CHAVES, M. G. de; FONSECA, M. de C.; MENDES, R.; RAAIJMAKERS, J. M.; TSAI, S. M.
2019Rhizobacterial community dynamics of resistant and susceptible wheat genotypes in the presence of the pathogen Fusarium graminearum.COSTA, L. S. A. S.; FARIA, M. R. de; CHIARAMONTE, J. B.; MAUCHLINE, T. H.; BETTIOL, W.; MENDES, R.
2018Rhizosphere bacterial communities as a strategy in wheat protection against root rot caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana.FARIA, M. R. de; COSTA, L. S. A. S.; CHIARAMONTE, J. B.; ROSSMANN, M.; BETTIOL, W.; MENDES, R.
2014Rhizosphere bacterial community composition in wild and modern common bean.FLORES, S. W. S.; MENDES, L. W.; CHIARAMONTE, J. B.; MENDES, R.
2018Rhizosphere interactions for disease suppression and biocontrol.MENDES, R.
2016Rhizosphere mibrobiome and plant disease suppression.MENDES, R.
2015Rhizosphere microbial community composition of common beans with different levels of resistance to Fusarium oxysporum.MENDES, L. W.; MENDES, R.; TSAI, S. M.
2015Sheep rumen shotgun sequencing for biomass-degrading genes discovery.KMIT, M. C. P.; LIMA, A. O. S.; ROMAGNOLI, E. M.; ABDALLA, A. L.; MENDES, R.
2015Sugar cane bagasse affects bacterial community dynamics in the sheep rumen.MENDES, R.; ROMAGNOLI, E. M.; DUNLAP, C.; ABDALLA, A. L.
2022The impact of soil microbiome diversity on rhizosphere microbial communities'assembly and plant health.NISHISAKA, C. S.; QUEVEDO, H. D.; MENDES, R.
2019The protective action of the rhizosphere microbiome against soilborne diseases.MENDES, R.
2018The role of common bean rhizosphere bacterial communities on phosphorus mobilization.CHIARAMONTE, J. B.; BULGARELLI, D.; COSTA, L. S. A. S.; ROSSMANN, M.; MENDES, R.
2021The role of plant-associated bacteria, fungi, and viruses in drought stress mitigation.POUDEL, M.; MENDES, R.; COSTA, L. S. A. S.; BUENO, C. G.; MENG, Y.; FOLIMONOVA, S. Y.; GARRETT, K. A.; MARTINS, S. J.