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2002Seasonal variation of (18) O, deuterium and nutrients in water from wells, stream, and rainwater in eastern Amazonia.FEITOSA, J. R. P.; SÁ, T. D. de A.; SOMMER, R.; VICTORIA, R. L.
2002Sistemas agroflorestais seqüenciais centrados no manejo de capoeiras- possibilidades de promover o uso sustentável da terra no âmbito da agricultura familiar amazônica.SÁ, T. D. de A.; WICKEL, A. J.; CARVALHO, C. J. R. de; HÖLSCHER, D.; VILHAUER, K.; DENICH, M.; KATO, M. do S. A.; KATO, O. R.; TIPPMANN, R.; SOMMER, R.; BRIENZA JUNIOR, S.
2000Slash and mulch to reduce nutrient losses in shifting cultivation in the Eastern Amazon.SOMMER, R.; VLEK, P. L. G.; FOLSTER, H.; SÁ, T. D. de A.
1998Soil fauna activity in natural and improved secondary vegetation (capoeira).LEITÃO, P. da S.; TEIXEIRA, L. B.; BRIENZA JUNIOR, S.; SOMMER, R.
1998Soil faunal activity in natural and improved secondary vegetation (capoeira) and in cropped fields under different land preparation systems.LEITÃO, P. S.; CHAGAS, P. S. M. das; TEIXEIRA, L. B.; BRIENZA JUNIOR, S.; SOMMER, R.
1998Soil water extraction through secondary vegetation during the dry season in 1997 in eastern Amazonia.SOMMER, R.; CARVALHO, E. J. M.; VLEK, P. L. G.; FÖLSTER, H.
2001Water and nutrient balance under slash-and-burn agriculture in the eastern Amazon, Brasil - the role of a deep rooting fallow vegetation.SOMMER, R.; SÁ, T. D. A. de; VIELHAUER, K.; VLEK, P. L. G.; FÖLSTER, H.