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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997Abolir a queima e melhorar a capoeira - desafios, perspectivas e fatos na agricultura tradicional do nordeste do Pará.KANASHIRO, M.; VIELHAUER, K.; SÁ, T. D. de A.
2001Alternatives to slach-and-burn agriculture: a research approach for the development of a chop-and-mulch system.DENICH, M.; VIELHAUER, K.; SÁ, T. D. de A.; LUCKE, W.; VLEK, P. L. G.
2001Alternatives to slash-and-burn agriculture: a research approach for the development of a chop-and-mulch system.DENICH, M.; VIELHAUER, K.; SÁ, T. D. A.; LÜCKE, W.; VLEK, P. L. G.
2000An alternative method for determination of total priomary production in different ages of secondary vegetation in NE Amazon.CATTANIO, J. H.; SÁ, T. D. de; VIELHAUER, K.
2001An integrated research and development initiative towards sustainable management of family agriculture in Eastern Amazonia.SÁ, T. D. de A.; KATO, O. R.; KATO, M. S. A.; BRIENZA JUNIOR, S.; CAMARÃO, A. P.; VILAR, R. R. L.; COSTA, F. A.; VIELHAUER, K.; DENICH, M.; RISCHKOWSKY, B.; HURTIENNE, T.
2006Avaliação da sustentabilidade das formas de manejo da agricultura itinerante com ou sem queima da capoeira no Nordeste do Pará.RODRIGUES, G. S.; KITAMURA, P. C.; SA, T. D. de A.; VIELHAUER, K.
1998Changing the slash-and-burn agriculture in brazilian eastern Amazonia by enriching the fallow vegetation.BRIENZA JUNIOR, S.; VIELHAUER, K.; DENICH, M.; VLEK, P. L. G.
1998Changing the slash-and-burn agriculture in brazilian eastern Amazonia by enriching the fallow vegetation.BRIENZA JUNIOR, S.; SANTOS, W. E. de S.; COSTA, V. de O.; PANTOJA, R. de F. R.; VIELHAUER, K.; DENICH, M.; VLEK, P. L. G.
2002Deep rooting secondary vegetation - an indispensable component of shifting cultivation?SOMMER, R.; SÁ, T. D. de A.; VIELHAUER, K.; VLEK, P. L. G.; FOLSTER, H.
2000Effect of fallow enrichment and of land preparation methods on weed infestation in the following crop.VIELHAUER, K.; SILVA, A. M. M. B. da
2002Effect of fallow enrichment on the weed seed bank of shifting cultivation systems in the eastern Amazon.MASCARENHAS, R. E. B.; NASCIMENTO, W. M. O. do; VIELHAUER, K.
2001Effect of slash-and-mulch on productivity of grass-only and grass-legume pastures in northeastern Pará, Brazil.BITTENCOURT, P. S.; VEIGA, J. B. da; RISCHKOWSKY, B.; VIELHAUER, K.
2000Effects of slash & burn vs. slash & mulch on water, solute, and sediment dynamics at the watershed level.WICKEL, A. J.; DENICH, M.; SÁ, T. D. de A.; VAN DE GIESEN, N. C.; VIELHAUER, K.; VLEK, P. L. G.
2002Effects of slash & burn vs.slash & mulch on water, solute and sediment dynamics at the watershed level.WICKEL, A. J.; GIESEN, N. C. van de; SÁ, T. D. de A.; DENICH, M.; VLEK, P. L. G.; VIELHAUER, K.
2000Energy balance of a traditional and a modified land-use system in the Eastern Amazon basin, Brazil, as a case study.JONSSON, A.; DENICH, M.; VIELHAUER, K.; VLEK, P. L. G.
1998Enriched fallow vegetation with leguminous trees: possibilities to improve the slash-and-burn agriculture in Eastern brazilian Amazonia.BRIENZA JUNIOR, S.; COSTA, W. de O.; SANTOS, W. E. de; PANTOJA, R. de F. R.; SÁ, T. D. de A.; VIELHAUER, K.; DENICH, M.; VLEK, P. L. G.
2005Estado nutricional da mandioca cultivada em diferentes épocas sob cobertura morta e duas adubações.PARRY, M. M.; CARVALHO, J. G. de; KATO, M. do S. A.; VIELHAUER, K.
2007Estado nutricional e produção do milho cultivado em diferentes épocas sob cobertura morta e duas adubações.PARRY, M. M.; KATO, M. do S. A.; CARVALHO, J. G. de; VIELHAUER, K.
1998Fallow periods and landscape structure in areas of slash and burn agriculture (NE Brazilian Amazon).METZGER, J. P.; DENICH, M.; VIELHAUER, K.; KANASHIRO, M.
2002Fallow vegetation and agricultural sustainability in eastern Amazonia: bringing out ecological features in the present and alternative scenarios.SÁ, T. D. de A.; VIELHAUER, K.; DAVIDSON, E. A.