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Título: Advances in common bean genome-wide analysis and impacts for the breeding programs.
Autoria: VIANELLO, R. P.
Ano de publicação: 2017
Referência: In: CONGRESSO NACIONAL DE PESQUISA DE FEIJÃO, 12., 2017, Piracicaba. Produtividade e sustentabilidade da cultura do feijão: do campo para a mesa: resumos. Piracicaba: CENA: IAC, 2017.
Páginas: p. 285-286.
Conteúdo: Conservation and knowledge of common bean genetic resources for sustainable management and proper utilization are of great importance to increase genetic gain in breeding programs. The Brazilian common bean core collection (CONFE) represents the genetic diversity of a large collection and presents a great potential to be widely explored to improve utilization of germplams for association analysis of agronomic traits and genome selection. In the last years, SNP markers have been increasingly developed based on the analysis of the accessions from CONFE, and applied for genetic analysis, investigation of the genetic structure along the domestication sites and breeding programs, as well as the identification of genomic regions related to traits of agronomic interest through association analysis and genomic selection.
Thesagro: Feijão
Phaseolus vulgaris
NAL Thesaurus: Beans
Genetic variation
Palavras-chave: Association panel
Melhoramento genético
Molecular breeding
Notas: CONAFE. Palestra.
Tipo do material: Artigo em anais e proceedings
Acesso: openAccess
Aparece nas coleções:Artigo em anais de congresso (CNPAF)

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