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dc.contributor.authorLIMA, M. A.
dc.contributor.authorPACIULLO, D. S. C.
dc.contributor.authorNUNES-NESI, A.
dc.contributor.authorARAÚJO, W. L.
dc.contributor.authorMORENZ, M. J. F.
dc.contributor.authorLELIS, D. L.
dc.contributor.authorMARTINS, A. O.
dc.contributor.authorGOMIDE, C. A. de M.
dc.contributor.authorRODRIGUES, R. de A. R.
dc.contributor.authorCHIZZOTTI, F. H. M.
dc.identifier.citationIn: WORLD CONGRESS ON INTEGRATED CROP-LIVESTOCK-FORESTRY SYSTEMS, 2., 2021. Proceedings reference. Brasília, DF: Embrapa, 2021.
dc.descriptionOur objective was to quantify the levels of chlorophyll (Chl), nitrate and total soluble carbohydrates in leaf blades of Brachiaria decumbens grown in the understory of a silvopastoral system (SPS) under intense shade and compare them to those grown in an open pasture (OP), with B. decumbens under full sunlight. Two treatments, corresponding to the specific production system (SPS and OP) were evaluated over four seasons: spring 2016, summer 2017, autumn 2017, and winter 2017. In the SPS, we observed an increase in the levels of chlorophyll and nitrate, and a reduction in total soluble carbohydrates relative to those in OP. This pattern of response was also influenced by the seasons, with higher levels of chlorophyll and nitrate during seasons with greater availability of resources. In contrast, total soluble carbohydrates were lower in spring and summer and higher in autumn and winter. Our results demonstrated that intense light restriction (70% shading) in an SPS reduces the levels of total soluble carbohydrates and increases the levels of chlorophyll and nitrate, which are directly related to the productivity, longevity, and nutritional value of the forage.
dc.subjectSilvopastoral system
dc.subjectSistema silvopastoril
dc.titleSeasonal changes in levels of chlorophyll, nitrate and total soluble carbohydrates of brachiaria decumbens in a long-term silvopastoral system.
dc.typeArtigo em anais e proceedings
dc.subject.thesagroCapim Brachiaria
dc.description.notesWCCLF 2021. Evento online.
dc.format.extent2p. 642-647.
dc.contributor.institutionMARINA APARECIDA LIMA, Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade; DOMINGOS SAVIO CAMPOS PACIULLO, CNPGL; ADRIANO NUNES-NESI, Universidade Federal de Viçosa; WAGNER LUIZ ARAÚJO, Universidade Federal de Viçosa; MIRTON JOSE FROTA MORENZ, CNPGL; DAIANA LOPES LELIS, Estudante, Universidade Federal de Viçosa; AUXILIADORA OLIVEIRA MARTINS, Estudante, Universidade Federal de Viçosa; CARLOS AUGUSTO DE MIRANDA GOMIDE, CNPGL; RENATO DE ARAGAO RIBEIRO RODRIGUES, CNPS; FERNANDA HELENA MARTINS CHIZZOTTI, Universidade Federal de Viçosa.
Aparece nas coleções:Artigo em anais de congresso (CNPGL)

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