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Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2016BRS Ártico: common bean cultivar with export-standard white grain.PEREIRA, H. S.; WENDLAND, A.; SOUZA, T. L. P. O. de; FARIA, L. C. de; DEL PELOSO, M. J.; THUNG, M.; KLUTHICOUSKI, J.; COSTA, J. G. C. da; CABRERA DIAZ, J. L.; MAGALDI, M. C. de S.; ABREU, A. de F. B.; MARTINS, M.; PEREIRA FILHO, I. A.; MOREIRA, J. A. A.; MELO, L. C.
2000Bean production and white mould incidence under no-till system.AIDAR, H.; THUNG, M.; OLIVEIRA, I. P. de; KLUTHCOUSKI, J.; CARNEIRO, G. E. S.; SILVA, J. G. da; DEL PELOSO, M. J.
2002Major dry beans market class in Brazil and performance of selected large-seeded types.THUNG, M.; AIDAR, H.; KLUTHCOUSKI, J.; OLIVEIRA, I. P. de; YOKOYAMA, L. P.; DEL PELOSO, M. J.; SOARES, D. M.; SILVA, L. O. da
2000Effect of different land preparations on soil microorganism population and seed treatments with fungicides on bean production in No till farming.KLUTHCOUSKI, J.; OLIVEIRA, I. P. de; THUNG, M.; AIDAR, H.; SANTOS, R. S. M.; SILVA, J. G. da; COBUCCI, T.
2000Effect of row spacing and land preparation methods on yield of eight advanced bean lines.THUNG, M.; KLUTHCOUSKI, J.; AIDAR, H.; OLIVEIRA, I. P. de; SILVA, J. G. da; DEL PELOSO, M. J.; CARNEIRO, G. E. S.
2000The effect of mangnesium sulfate fertilizer on common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production in Brazilian Savanah.OLIVEIRA, I. P. de; KLUTHCOUSKI, J.; THUNG, M.; AIDAR, H.; SANTOS, D. S. M. dos
2000Bean production as affected by mixtures and placement of fertilizers.OLIVEIRA, I. P. de; KLUTHCOUSKI, J.; AIDAR, H.; THUNG, M.; COBUCCI, T.; SANTOS, R. S. M.; SILVA, J. G. da
2000Evaluation of large seeded bean in Brazil.THUNG, M.; AIDAR, H.; OLIVEIRA, I. P. de; KLUTHCOUSKI, J.; CABRERA, J. L. D.; CARNEIRO, G. E. S.
2000The performance of four cultivars and the effect of fertilization on beans grown under sub-irrigtion in the lowland tropics.KLUTHCOUSKI, J.; AIDAR, H.; THUNG, M.; OLIVEIRA, I. P. de
2000Bean production in the lowland tropic with sub-irrigation.AIDAR, H.; THUNG, M.; KLUTHCOUSKI, J.; OLIVEIRA, I. P. de; CABRERA, J. L. D.