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Resultado 91-100 de 136.
Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2017Front-face fluorescence spectroscopy of tryptophan and fluorescein using laser induced fluorescence and excitation emission matrix fluorescence.MOUNIER, S.; REDON, R.; NICOLODELLI, G.; MILORI, D. M. B. P.
2017Complementary analyses of hollow cylindrical unioriented permanent magnet (HCM) with high permeability external layer.LOBO, C. M. S.; TOSIN, G.; BAADER, J. E.; COLNAGO, L. A.
2017Double pulse laser induced breakdowwn spsctroscopy in orthogonal beam geometry to enhance line emission intensity from agricultural samples.NICOLODELLI, G.; SENESI, G. S.; RANULFI, A. C.; MARANGONI, B. S.; WATANABE, A.; BENITES, V. M.; OLIVEIRA, P. P. A.; BOAS, P. R. V.; MILORI, D. M. B. P.
2017Semiquantitative analysis of mercury in landfill leachates using double-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy.MENEGATTI, C. R.; NICOLODELLI, G.; SENESI, G. S.; SILVA, O. A.; FILHO, H. J. I.; BOAS, P. R. V.; MARANGONI, B. S.; MILORI, D. M. B. P.
2017Changes in quantity and quality of soil carbon due the land-use conversion to sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) plantation in southern Brazil.BORDONAL, R. DE O.; LAL, R.; RONQUIM, C. C.; FIGUEIREDO, E. B. DE; CARVALHO, J. L. N.; MALDONADO JUNIOR, W.; MILORI, D. M. B. P.; LA SCALA JUNIOR, N.
2017Soil organic matter quality in Jatropha spp. plantations in different edaphoclimatic conditions.FREITAS, R. C. A.; POPIN, G. V.; MILORI, D. M. B. P.; SIGNOR, D.; DRUMOND, M. A.; CERRI, C. E. P.
2017Genetic diversity and ISSR marker association with the quality of pineapple fiber for use industry.SOUZA, C. P. F.; FERREIRA, C. F.; SOUZA, E. H.; SENA NETO, A. R.; MARCONCINI, J. M.; LEDO, C. A. S.; SOUZA, F. V. D.
2017A new approach to obtain cellulose nanocrystals and ethanol from Eucalyptus cellulose pulp via biochemical pathway.BONDANCIA, T. J.; MATTOSO, L. H. C.; MARCONCINI, J. M.; FARINAS, C. S.
2017Polyester composites reinforced with corona-treated fibers from pine, eucalyptus and sugarcane bagasse.MESQUITA, R. G. A.; CÉSAR, A. A. S.; MENDES, R. F.; MENDES, L. M.; MARCONCINI, J. M.; GLENN, G.; TONOLI, G. H. D.
2017Bionanocomposites produced from cassava starch and oil palm mesocarp cellulose nanowhiskers.CAMPOS, A.; SENA NETO, A. R.; RODRIGUES, V. B.; LUCHESI, B. R.; MOREIRA, F. K. V.; CORREA, A. C.; MATTOSO, L. H. C.; MARCONCINI, J. M.