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Resultado 1-10 de 24.
Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2020Does the choice of a suitable sorghum hybrid help control the maize weevil in the tropic region?PIMENTEL, M. A. G.; MENDES, S. M.; MENEZES, C. B. de; FERNANDES, D. K. S.; OLIVEIRA, I. R. de; COTA, R. A.
2020Retention of phenolic compounds and acceptability of gluten-free churros made with tannin or tannin-free sorghum flour.QUEIROZ, V. A. V.; CORREIA, V. T. da V.; MENEZES, C. B. de; MIGUEL, R. de A.; CONCEIÇÃO, R. R. P. da; PAIVA, C. L.; FIGUEIREDO, J. E. F.
2022Sorghum root epigenetic landscape during limiting phosphorus conditions.GLADMAN, N.; HUFNAGEL, B.; REGULSKI, M.; LIU, Z.; WANG, X.; CHOUGULE, K.; KOCHIAN, L.; MAGALHAES, J. V. de; WARE, D.
2021Defining whole grain sorghum flour and water levels to improve sensory and nutritional quality of gluten-free bread: a factorial design approach.CENTENO, A. C. L.; AGUIAR, E.; SANTOS, F.; QUEIROZ, V. A. V.; CONTI-SILVA, A.; KRUPA-KOZAK, U.; CAPRILES, V.
2024Sorghum hybrids grown in hydroponics contrast for phosphorus use efficiency.SILVA, K. J.; SANTOS, C. V.; MENEZES, C. B. de; SOUSA, S. M. de
2022Foliar application of potassium nitrate induces tolerance to water deficit in pre-flowering sorghum plants.ÁVILA, R. G.; MAGALHAES, P. C.; SILVA, E. M. da; ALVARENGA, A. A. de; REIS, C. O. dos; CUSTÓDIO. A. M.; JAKELAITIS, A.; SOUZA, T. C. de
2021Azospirillum brasilense innoculation combined with different levels of nitrogen fertilization and its effects in the grain sorghum subjected to water restriction.PAIVA, A. P. L. de; MAGALHAES, P. C.; CARVALHO, L. P. de; JALES, H. F.; GOMES JÚNIOR, C. C.; LANA, U. G. de P.; MARRIEL, I. E.
2024A symbiotic meal containing extruded sorghum and probiotic (Bifidobacterium longum) ameliorated intestinal health markers in individuals with chronic kidney disease: a secondary analysis of a subsample from a previous randomized and controlled clinical trial.LÚCIO, H. G.; LOPES, R. de C. S. O.; GOMES, M. J. C.; SILVA, A. da; GRANCIERI, M.; DELLA LUCIA, C. M.; QUEIROZ, V. A. V.; SILVA, B. F. da; MARTINO, H. S. D.
2021Trinexapac-ethyl reduces plant height and seed yield in forage sorghum.JULIO, M. P. M.; MAGALHAES, P. C.; VIANA, A. R. S.; JULIO, B. H. M.; SANTOS, C. V. dos; PARRELLA, N. N. L. D.; MENEZES, C. B. de
2024Genetic parameters and selection for multiple traits in sorghum for forage purposes.FIGUEIREDO JÚNIOR, J. M. M. de; PARRELLA, R. A. da C.; NUNES, J. A. R.