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Resultado 31-40 de 243.
Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2020Survey of beetles in crop-livestock-forest integration system in Southeast Brazil.GONCALVES, I. S.; CARNEIRO, T. R.; VIANA, P. A.
2020Genotype-by-environment interaction and yield stability analysis of biomass sorghum hybrids using factor analytic models and environmental covariates.OLIVEIRA, I. C. M.; GUILHEN, J. H. S.; RIBEIRO, P. C. de O.; GEZAN, S. A.; SCHAFFERT, R. E.; SIMEONE, M. L. F.; DAMASCENO, C. M. B.; CARNEIRO, J. E. de S.; CARNEIRO, P. C. S.; PARRELLA, R. A. da C.; PASTINA, M. M.
2020Leaf application of chitosan and physiological evaluation of maize hybrids contrasting for drought tolerance under water restriction.VERONEZE JÚNIOR, V.; MARTINS, M.; MC LEOD, L.; SOUZA, K. R. D.; SANTOS FILHO, P. R.; MAGALHAES, P. C.; CARVALHO, D. T.; SANTOS, M. H.; SOUZA, T. C.
2020Comparison of two rapid descriptive sensory techniques for profiling and screening of drivers of liking of sorghum breads.AGUIAR, L. A. de; RODRIGUES, D. B.; QUEIROZ, V. A. V.; MELO, L.; PINELI, L. de L. de O.
2021Genomic and phenotypic insights into the potential of rock phosphate solubilizing bacteria to promote millet growth in vivo.SILVA, U. C.; CUADROS-ORELLANA, S.; SILVA, D. R. C.; FREITAS-JÚNIOR, L. F.; FERNANDES. A. C.; LEITE, L. R.; OLIVEIRA-PAIVA, C. A.; SANTOS, V. L. dos
2020Influence of transgenic maize on behaviour of adult female of Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: noctuidae).NASCIMENTO, P. T.; VON PINHO, R. G.; SOUZA, C. da S. F.; FADINI, M. A. M.; VALICENTE, F. H.
2020Agronomic performance of soybean crops under integrated production systems in the Southwestern Brazilian Amazon biome.RIBEIRO, R. da S.; PASSOS, A. M. A. dos; AKER, A. M.
2020Iron ore mining areas and their reclamation in Minas Gerais State, Brazil: impacts on soil physical properties.SOUSA, S. S. de; FREITAS, D. A. F.; LATIN, A. O.; SILVA, B. M.; VIANA, J. H. M.; CAMPOS, M. P.; PEIXOTO, D. S.; BOTULA, Y.-D.
2020Molecular characterization of Bacillus thuringiensis strains to control Spodoptera eridania (Cramer) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) population.MACHADO, D. H. B.; LIVRAMENTO, K. G. do; MAXIMO, W. P. F.; NEGRI, B. F.; PAIVA, L. V.; VALICENTE, F. H.
2020Greek yogurt with added sorghum flours: antioxidant potential and sensory acceptance.OLIVEIRA, F. C. E de; PONTES, J. P.; QUEIROZ, V. A. V.; RONCHETI, E. F. S.; DUTRA, V. L. M.; CORREIA, V. T. da V.; FERREIRA, A. A.