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Resultado 1-10 de 398.
Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2015Analysis of maize photosyntheis parameters and whole plant oxidative damage under long-term drought.LAVINSKY, A. O.; MAGALHAES, P. C.; ÁVILA, R.; GOMES JR. C. C.; CARNEIRO, N. P.
2004Bom começo.CRUZ, J. C.; MANTOVANI, E. C.; PEREIRA FILHO, I. A.
2008Morphological attributes of root system of maize genotypes contrasting in drought tolerance due to phosphorus stress.CANTÃO, F. R. de O.; DURAES, F. O. M.; OLIVEIRA, A. C. de; SOARES, A. M.; MAGALHAES, P. C.
2020Management of Euxesta spp. in sweet corn with McPhail traps.LOPES, S. R.; CRUZ, I.
2009Molecular characterization of global maize breeding germplasm based on genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms.LU, Y.; YAN, J.; GUIMARAES, C. T.; TABA, S.; HAO, Z.; GAO, S.; CHEN, S.; LI, J.; ZHANG, S.; VIVEK, B. S.; MAGOROKOSHO, C.; MUGO, S.; MAKUMBI, D.; PARENTONI, S. N.; SHAH, T.; RONG, T.; CROUCH, J. H.; XU, Y.
2021Genomic and phenotypic insights into the potential of rock phosphate solubilizing bacteria to promote millet growth in vivo.SILVA, U. C.; CUADROS-ORELLANA, S.; SILVA, D. R. C.; FREITAS-JÚNIOR, L. F.; FERNANDES. A. C.; LEITE, L. R.; OLIVEIRA-PAIVA, C. A.; SANTOS, V. L. dos
2020Aluminum tolerance mechanisms in Kenyan maize germplasm are independent from the citrate transporter ZmMATE1.MATONYEI, T. K.; BARROS, B. de A.; GUIMARÃES, R. G. N.; OUMA, E. O.; CHEPROT, R. K.; APOLINÁRIO, L. C.; LIGEYO, D. O.; COSTA, M. B. R.; WERE, B. A.; KISINYO, P. O.; ONKWARE, A. O.; NODA, R. W.; GUDU, S. O.; MAGALHAES, J. V. de; GUIMARÃES, C. T.
2020Metabolic and physiological adjustments of maize leaves in response to aluminum stress.SIQUEIRA, J. A.; BARROS, J. A. S.; DAL-BIANCO, M.; MARTINS, S. C. V.; MAGALHAES, P. C.; DAMATTA, F. M.; ARAÚJO, W. L.; RIBEIRO, C.
2020Novel strategies for genomic prediction of untested single-cross maize hybrids using unbalanced historical data.DIAS, K. O. G.; PIEPHO, H. P.; GUIMARAES, L. J. M.; GUIMARAES, P. E. de O.; PARENTONI, S. N.; PINTO, M. de O.; NODA, R. W.; MAGALHAES, J. V. de; GUIMARÃES, C. T.; GARCIA, A. A. F.; PASTINA, M. M.
2019Genetic progress, adaptability and stability of maize cultivars for value of cultivation and use trials.UATE, J. V.; NUVUNGA, J. J.; SILVA, C. P. da; GUIMARAES, L. J. M.; VON PINHO, R. G.; BALESTRE, M.