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2021Forage production in intensive and integrated grazing systems as a strategy to increase the sustainability of beef cattle livestock.PASQUINI NETO, R.; BONANI, W. L.; BOSI, C.; BERNDT, A.; PEZZOPANE, J. R. M.; OLIVEIRA, P. P. A.
2021Leaf area index and plant-part composition of grazed pastures in intensive and integrated beef cattle production systems.PASQUINI NETO, R.; RODRIGUES, P. H. M.; MILHORINI, P. C.; BOSI, C.; BERNDT, A.; PEZZOPANE, J. R. M.
2024Spatial variability of soil and vegetation properties in integrated production systems.LAURENTI, N.; PEZZOPANE, J. R. M.; GUIMARAES, E. da S.; BERNARDI, A. C. de C.; RODRIGUES, J.
2020Production and nutritive value of pastures in integrated livestock production systems: shading and management effects.PEZZOPANE, J. R. M.; BERNARDI, A. C. de C.; AZENHA, M. V.; OLIVEIRA, P. P. A.; BOSI, C.; PEDROSO, A. de F.; ESTEVES, S. N.
2021Economic viability of implementing an infrastructure for recycling bedding sand from a free-stall facility for dairy cows.LOPES, M. A.; DEMEU, F. A.; REIS, E. M. B.; LIMA, A. L. R.; CARVALHO, F. DE M.; PALHARES, J. C. P.; COSTA, G. M. DA; PINHEIRO, M. V. G.; DEMEU, A. A.
2021Economic feasibility of implementing an infrastructure for collecting rainwater from the roof of free-stall sheds.DEMEU, F. A.; LOPES, M. A.; PALHARES, J. C. P.; LIMA, A. L. R. DE; CARVALHO, F. DE M.; LOPES FILHO, M. A.; DEMEU, A. A.; VIDAL, D. A.; LIMA, M. DE L.; BARBARI, M.
2023Condition of the soil resource and provision of ecosystem services from a Brazilian Oxidic soil under conventional and integrated livestock-based systems.VALANI, G. P.; MARTÍNI, A. F.; PEZZOPANE, J. R. M.; BERNARDI, A. C. de C.; OLIVEIRA, P. P. A.; COOPER, M.; MACKAY, A.; DOMINATI, E.
2023Meat quality of cattle raised on pastures with pigeon pea intercropping as a strategy for mitigating greenhouse gases: preliminary results.CARVALHO, S. C. S.; FRANCISCO, V. C.; SILVA, K. F.; CHAMILETE, S. A. M.; SILVA, G. V.; RODRIGUES, P. H. M.; OLIVEIRA, P. P. A.; BARIONI JUNIOR, W.; NASSU, R. T.
2024Differences in the behavioral parameters of young Zebu and composite bulls kept on Non-Forested or in Integrated Crop–Livestock–Forestry Systems.MORAES, M. J.; CASTILHO, E. F. DE; BALIEIRO, J. C. DE C.; BERNARDI, A. C. de C.; BARRETO, A. DO N.; PINHO, L. F.; RAMOS, G. G.; AZEVEDO, G. N.; ZANETTI, L. K.; GARCIA, A. R.
2022Performance of Nellore beef steers in intensively managed pastures and silvopastoral systems in Southeast of Brazil.PASQUINI NETO, R.; LOBO, A. A. G.; SILVA, G. V. DA; MEDEIROS, S. R. de; PEDROSO, A. de F.; RODRIGUES, P. H. M.