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Resultado 11-20 de 54.
Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2015Interference of overlapping insect vibratory communication signals: an Eushistus heros Model.COKL, A.; LAUMANN, R. A.; KOSI, A. Z.; MORAES, M. C. B.; VIRANT-DOBERLET, M.; BORGES, M.
2022Neotropical maize genotypes with different levels of benzoxazinoids affect fall armyworm development.MICHEREFF, M. F. F.; NASCIMENTO, I. N.; SANTANA, G. T.; SARRIA, A. L. F.; BORGES, M.; LAUMANN, R. A.; WITHALL, D. M.; CAULFIELD, J. C.; BIRKETT, M. A.; MORAES, M. C. B.
2021Priming of indirect defence responses in maize is shown to be genotype-specific.MICHEREFF, M. F. F.; GRYNBERG, P.; TOGAWA, R. C.; COSTA, M. M. do C.; LAUMANN, R. A.; ZHOU, J.-J.; SCHIMMELPFENG, P. H. C.; BORGES, M.; PICKETT, J. A.; BIRKETT, M. A.; MORAES, M. C. B.
2021Inhibitory copulation effect of vibrational rival female signals of three stink bug species as a tool for mating disruption.DIAS, A. M.; BORGES, M.; MORAES, M. C. B.; COELHO, M. L. F.; COKL, A.; LAUMANN, R. A.
2010Odour masking of tomato volatiles by coriander volatiles in host plant selection of Bemisia tabaci biotype B.TOGNI, P. H. B.; LAUMANN, R. A.; MEDEIROS, M. A.; SUJII, E. R.
2015Transcriptome-based identification of highly similar odorant-binding proteins among neotropical stink bugs and their egg parasitoid.FARIAS, L. R.; SCHIMMELPFENG, P. H. C.; TOGAWA, R. C.; COSTA, M. M. do C.; GRYNBERG, P.; MARTINS, N. F.; BORGES, M.; MORAES, M. C. B.; LAUMANN, R. A.; BÁO, S. N.; PAULA, D. P.
2010Effect of Bt genetic engineering on indirect defense in cotton via a tritrophic interaction.MORAES, M. C. B.; LAUMANN, R. A.; AQUINO, M. F. S.; PAULA, D. P.; BORGES, M.
2008Comparative biology and functional response of Trissolcus spp. (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) and implications for stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) biological control.LAUMANN, R. A.; MORAES, M. C. B.; PAREJA, M.; ALARCÃO, G. C.; BOTELHO, A. C.; MAIA, A. H. N.; LEONARDECZ, E.; BORGES, M.
2014Combination of the fungus Beauveria bassiana and pheromone in an attract-and-kill strategy against the banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus.LOPES, R. B.; LAUMANN, R. A.; MOORE, D.; OLIVEIRA, M. W. M.; FARIA, M.
2017Identification and field evaluation of a new blend of the sex pheromone of Hypsipyla grandella.MORAES, M. C. B.; BORGES, M.; LAUMANN, R. A.; BORGES, R.; VIANA, A. R.; THOMAZINI, M. J.; SILVA, C. C. A. da; OLIVEIRA, M. W. M. de; BOFF, M. I. C.