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Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2017Molecular phylogeny inferred from the concatenated genes of two neotropical catfish species and implications for conservation.PONZETTO, J. M.; ALVES, A. L.; VARELA, E. S.; VILLELA, L. C. V.; CAETANO, A. R.; LEONARDECZ, E.
2007Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for Araucaria angustifolia (Araucariaceae).SCHMIDT, A. B.; CIAMPI, A. Y.; GUERRA, M. P.; NODARI, O.
2007State-of-knowledge on Hymenaea courbaril L. var. Stilbocarpa (Hayne), Lee and Lang. (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae) for genetic conservation in Brazil.LEITE, E. J.
2007State-of-knowledge on Didymopanax morototoni (Aublet) Decne. and Planch. (Araliaceae) for genetic conservation in Brazil.LEITE, E. J.
2007State-of-knowledge on Cariniana estrellensis (Raddi) Kuntze (Lecythidaceae) for genetic conservation in Brazil.LEITE, E. J.
2005Heat tolerance in naturalised cattle in Brazil: physical factors.MCMANUS, C.; PALUDO, G. R.; LOUVANDINI, H.; GARCIA, J. A. S.; EGITO, A. A.; MARIANTE, A. da S.
2006Mint (Mentha spp) germplasm conservation in Brazil.SILVA, D. B. da; VIEIRA, R. F.; ALVES, R. B. N.; MENDES, R. A.; CARDOSO, L. D.; QUEIROZ, L.; SANTOS, I. R. I.
2013Paspalum (Poaceae) no Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil.OLIVEIRA, R. C. de; SANTANA, S. H. de; SILVA, A. S. da; MACIEL, J. R.; VALLS, J. F. M.
2017Characterizing emergence and divergence in the first follicular wave in a tropically adapted Bos taurus breed.TORTORELLA, R. D.; NOGUEIRA, G. de P.; MODESTO, M. R.; SILVA, P. C. P.; SILVA, J. P. da; NEVES, J. P.; RAMOS, A. F.
2016Superovulatory and embryo yielding in sheep using increased exposure time to progesterone associated with a GnRH agonist.BRASIL, O. O.; MOREIRA, N. H.; SANTOS JÚNIOR, G.; SILVA, B. D. M.; MARIANTE, A. S.; RAMOS, A. F.