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Resultados 1-10 de 12.
Año de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2008Perspectives on genome mapping and marker-assisted breeding of eucalypts.GRATTAPAGLIA, D.
2007Microsatellite markers for Caesalpinia echinata Lam. (Brazilwood), a tree that named a country.MELO, S. C. O.; GAIOTTO, F. A.; CUPERTINO, F. B.; CORRÊA, R. X.; REIS, A. M. M.; GRATTAPAGLIA, D.; BRONDANI, R. P. V.
2007Genetic structure and mating system of Manilkara huberi (Ducke) A. Chev., a heavily logged amazonian timber species.AZEVEDO, V. C. R.; KANASHIRO, M.; CIAMPI, A. Y.; GRATTAPAGLIA, D.
2006Plant microsatellite genotyping with 4-color fluorescent detection using multiple-tailed primers.MISSIAGGIA, A.; GRATTAPAGLIA, D.
2007Flexible mating system in a logged population of Swietenia macrophylla King (Meliaceae): implications for the management of a threatened neotropical tree species.LEMES, M. R.; GRATTAPAGLIA, D.; GROGAN, J.; PROCTOR, J.; GRIBEL, R.
2005Power of microsatellite markers for fingerprinting and parentage analysis in Eucalyptus grandis breeding populations.KIRST, M.; CORDEIRO, C. M.; REZENDE, G. D. S. P.; GRATTAPAGLIA, D.
2003Microsatellite markers for Ceiba pentandra (Bombacaceae), an endangered tree species of the amazon forest.BRONDANI, R. P. V.; GAIOTTO, F. A.; MISSIAGGIA, A. A.; KIRST, M.; GRIBELS, R.; GRATTAPAGLIA, D.
2008High-throughput gene and SNP discovery in Eucalyptus grandis, an uncharacterized genome.NOVAES, E.; DROST, D. R.; FARMERIE, W. G.; PAPPAS JUNIOR, G. J.; GRATTAPAGLIA, D.; SEDEROFF, R. R.; KIRST, M.
2006A microsatellite-based consensus linkage map for species of Eucalyptus and a novel set of 230 microsatellite markers for the genus.BRONDANI, R. P. V.; WILLIAMS, E. R.; BRONDANI, C.; GRATTAPAGLIA, D.
2005Genetic mapping of Eef1, a major effect QTL for early flowering in Eucalyptus grandis.MISSIAGGIA, A. A.; PIACEZZI, A. L.; GRATTAPAGLIA, D.