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Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2006Downstream process engineering evaluation of transgenic soybean seeds host for recombinant protein production.ROBIC, G.; FARINAS, C. S.; RECH FILHO, E. L.; BUENO, S. M. A.; MIRANDA, E. A.
2008High-efficiency transformation by biolistics of soybean, common bean and cotton transgenic plants.RECH, E. L.; VIANNA, G. R.; ARAGÃO, F. J. L.
2004Replicase mediated resistance against Potato Leafroll Virus in potato Desirée plants.EHRENFELD, N.; ROMANO, E.; SERRANO, C.; ARCE-JOHNSON, P.
2008Biolistic-mediated genetic transformation of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and stable Mendelian inheritance of transgenes.IVO, N. L.; NASCIMENTO, C. P.; VIEIRA, L. S.; CAMPOS, F. A. P.; ARAGÃO, F. J. L.
2002The environmental effects of genetically modified crops resistant to insects.FONTES, E. M. G.; PIRES, C. S. S.; SUJII, E. R.; PANIZZI, A. R.
2002Potential for the environmental impact of transgenic crops.DALE, P. J.; CLARKE, B.; FONTES, E. M. G.
2007Tomato chlorotic mottle virus is a target of RNA silencing but the presence of specific short interfering RNAs dois not guarantee resistance in transgenic plants.RIBEIRO, S. G.; LOHUIS, H.; GOLDBACH, R.; PRINS, M.
2006Expression of an oxalate decarboxylase gene from Flammulina sp. in transgenic lettuce (Lactuca sativa) plants and resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.DIAS, B. B. A.; CUNHA, W. G.; MORAIS, L. S.; VIANNA, G. R.; RECH FILHO, E. L.; CAPDEVILLE, G. de; ARAGÃO, F. J. L.
2006Partial resistance to Bean golden mosaic virus in a transgenic common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) line expressing a mutated rep gene.FARIA, J. C.; ALBINO, M. M. C.; DIAS, B. B. A.; CANÇADO, L. J.; CUNHA, N. B. da; SILVA, L. de M.; VIANNA, G. R.; ARAGÃO, F. J. L.
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