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2012In silico identification of known osmotic stress responsive genes from Arabidopsis in soybean and Medicago.SOARES-CAVALCANTI, N. N.; BELARMINO, L. C.; KIDO, E. A.; WANDERLEY-NOGUEIRA, A. C.; BEZERRA-NETO, J. P.; CAVALCANTI-LIRA, R.; PANDOLFI, V.; NEPOMUCENO, A. L.; ABDELNOOR, R. V.; NASCIMENTO, L. C.; BENKO-ISEPPON, A. M.
2012An overall evaluation of the resistance (R) and pathogenesis-related (PR) superfamilies in soybean, as compared with Medicago and Arabidopsis.WANDERLEY-NOGUEIRA, A. C.; BELARMINO, L. C.; SOARES-CAVALCANTI, N. da M.; BEZERRA-NETO, J. P.; KIDO, E. A.; PANDOLFI, V.; ABDELNOOR, R. V.; BINNECK, E.; CARAZZOLE, M. F.; BENKO-ISEPPON, A. M.
2012Expression analysis in response to drought stress in soybean: shedding light on the regulation of metabolic pathway genes.GUIMARÃES-DIAS, F.; NEVES-BORGES, A. C.; VIANA, A. A. B.; MESQUITA, R. O.; ROMANO, E.; GROSSI-DE-SÁ, M. de F.; NEPOMUCENO, A. L.; LOUREIRO, M. E.; ALVES-FERREIRA, M.
2012Expression pattern of drought stress marker genes in soybean roots under two water deficit systems.NEVES-BORGES, A. C.; GUIMARÃES-DIAS, F.; CRUZ, F.; MESQUITA, R. O.; NEPOMUCENO, A. L.; ROMANO, E.; LOUREIRO, M. E.; GROSSI-DE-SÁ, M. de F.; ALVES-FERREIRA, M.
2012Overall picture of expressed Heat Shock Factors in Glycine max, Lotus japonicus and Medicago truncatula.SOARES-CAVALCANTI, N. M.; BELARMINO, L. C.; KIDO, E. A.; PANDOLFI, V.; MARCELINO-GUIMARÃES, F. C.; RODRIGUES, F. A.; PEREIRA, G. A. G.; BENKO-ISEPPON, A. M.
2012Subtractive libraries for prospecting differentially expressed genes in the soybean under water deficit.RODRIGUES, F. A.; MARCOLINO-GOMES, J.; CARVALHO, J. de F. C.; NASCIMENTO, L. C. do; NEUMAIER, N.; FARIAS, J. R. B.; CARAZZOLLE, M. F.; MARCELINO, F. C.; NEPOMUCENO, A. L.
2012A web-based platform for RNA-Seq data analysis and storage: a case study on soybean gene expression experiments.BINNECK, E.; NASCIMENTO, L. S. do
2012Mining plant genome browsers as a means for efficient connection of physical, genetic and cytogenetic mapping: an example using soybean.BELARMINO, L. C.; OLIVEIRA, A. R. da S.; BRASILEIRO-VIDAL, A. C.; BORTOLETI, K. C. de A.; BEZERRA-NETO, J. P.; ABDELNOOR, R. V.; BENKO-ISEPPON, A. M.
2012GENOSOJA - The Brazilian Soybean Genome Consortium: high throughput omics and beyond.BENKO-ISEPPON, A. M.; NEPOMUCENO, A. L.; ABDELNOOR, R. V.
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