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Resultado 1-10 de 21.
Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2014Mutations in the capsid protein of porcine circovirus type 2 indicates a viral immune evasion.GAVA, D.; SCHAEFER, R.; SERRÃO, V. H. B.; CANTAO, M. E.; SILVA, M. C.; ZANELLA, J. R. C.
2014Long-term circulation of influenza A viruses in swine in Brazil.SCHAEFER, R.; MORES, N.; GAVA, D.; CANTAO, M. E.; ZANELLA, J. R. C.
2013Porcine respiratory disease complex in southern Brazil: pathogens and associated histopathology.SILVA, M. C.; RECH, R. R.; GAVA, D.; KUCHIISHI, S. S.; SCHAEFER, R.; LANGOHR, I. M.; ZANELLA, J. R. C.
2013Influenza A virus infection on swine in Brazil.ZANELLA, J. R. C.; SCHAEFER, R.; GAVA, D.; KLEIN, C. S.; CANTAO, M. E.; SILVA, V. S.; MORES, M. A. Z.; SILVA, M. C. da; MORES, N.; RECH, R. R.; CARON, L.
2012Detection of emerging parvoviruses and anellovirus in lung of captive wild boars.SOUZA, C. K. de S.; GAVA, D.; MOSENA, A. C. S.; BIONDO, N.; SCHAEFER, R.; ZANELLA, J. R. C.; BARCELLOS, D. E. S. N. de; CANAL, C. W.
2012Absence of PRRSV antibodies and antigen in sera and oral fluids samples from Brazilian swine herds.ZANELLA, J. R. C.; GAVA, D.; SCHAEFER, R.; CARON, L.; SILVA, V. S.; ARAÚJO JÚNIOR, J. P.; CRUZ, T. F.; ZIMMERMANN, S.; ZIMMERMANN, J. J.
2012Full genome sequencing of a human-like H1N2 swine influenza virus.SCHAEFER, R.; CANTAO, M. E.; ROCHA, C. S.; GAVA, D.; ZANELLA, J. R. C.
2012Detection of influenza A virus in porcine nasal swab and oral fluid samples by quantitative real-time RT-PCR.GAVA, D.; SCHAEFER, R.; SCHWARZ, P.; ZIMMERMANN, S.; COLDEBELLA, A.; ZANELLA, J. R. C.
2012Development and improvement of methods and biologicals for the diagnosis, prevention and control of viral diseases of swine.ZANELLA, J. R. C.; SCHAEFER, R.; CARON, L.; GAVA, D.; PANDOLFI, J. R. C.; LOYOLA, W.; MARQUES, M. G.
2011Isolation and characterization of a novel H1N2 swine influenza vírus in pigs in Brazil derived from the pandemic H1N1/2009 vírus.SCHAEFER, R.; SIMON, N. L.; SILVEIRA, S.; SCHIOCHET, M. F.; BRENTANO, L.; GAVA, D.; ROCHA, C. S.; ZANELLA, J. R. C.