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Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2016Verification of the mechanism of glyphosate resistance in Italian ryegrass biotypes.VARGAS, L.; RUCHEL, Q.; AGOSTINETTO, D.; LAMEGO, F. P.; LANGARO, A. C.; PIESANTI, S. R.
2014Does the resistance to glyphosate herbicide affect the competitive ability of ryegrass with soybean?OLIVEIRA, C.; AGOSTINETTO, D.; VARGAS, L.; ÁVILA, L. A.; TAROUCO, C. P.
2016Resistance characterization of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) biotypes to clethodim herbicide.SCHNEIDER, T.; VARGAS, L.; AGOSTINETTO, D.; LANGARO, A. C.; GOMES, J. D. da S.; PIESSANTI, S. R.
2013Adaptive value of ryegrass biotypes with low-level resistance and susceptible to the herbicide fluazifop and competitive ability with the wheat culture.FRAGA, D. S.; AGOSTINETTO, D.; VARGAS, L.; NOHATTO, M. A.; THÜRMER, L.; HOLZ, M. T.
2013Dose-response curves of Lolium multiflorum biotypes resistant and susceptible to clethodim.VARGAS, L.; FRAGA, D. S.; AGOSTINETTO, D.; MARIANI, F.; DUARTE, T. V.; SILVA, B. M.
2019Mixture of glufosinate and atrazine for ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) control and its effect on seeds' quality.ULGUIM, A. da R.; AGOSTINETTO, D.; VARGAS, L.; SILVA, J. D. G. da; SCHNEIDER, T.; SILVA, B. M. da
2017Competition between wheat and ryegrass under different levels of nitrogen fertilization.AGOSTINETTO, D.; TAROUCO, C. P.; LANGARO, A. C.; GOMES, J.; VARGAS, L.
2018Caracterização e manejo de azevém (Lolium multiflorum L.) resistente a herbicidas em áreas agrícolas.VARGAS, L.; HENCKES, J. R.; SCHMITZ, M. F.; PIASECKI, C.; CECHIN, J.; TORCHELSEN, J.; AGOSTINETTO, D.
2019Fitness cost and competitive ability of ryegrass susceptible and with multiple resistance to Glyphosate, Iodosulfuron-methyl, and Pyroxsulam.HENCKES, J. R.; CECHIN, J.; SCHMITZ, M. F.; PIASECKI, C.; VARGAS, L.; AGOSTINETTO, D.
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