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Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2016Effect of green-belly stink bug, Dichelops furcatus (F.) on wheat yield and development.PANIZZI, A. R.; AGOSTINETTO, A.; LUCINI, T.; PEREIRA, P. R. V. da S.
2016Pyricularia graminis-tritici, a new Pyricularia species causing wheat blast.CASTROAGUDÍN, V. L.; MOREIRA, S. I.; PEREIRA, D. A. S.; MOREIRA, S. S.; BRUNNER, P. C.; MACIEL, J. L. N.; CROUS, P. W.; MCDONALD, B. A.; ALVES, E.; CERESINI, P. C.
2017Survey of mycotoxins in Southern Brazilian wheat and evaluation of immunoassay methods.DUFFECK, M. R.; TIBOLA, C. S.; GUARIENTI, E. M.; DEL PONTE, E. M.
2017The Lolium pathotype of Magnaporthe oryzae recovered from a single blasted wheat plant in the United States.FARMAN, M.; PETERSON, G.; CHEN, L.; STARNES, J.; VALENT, B.; BACHI, P.; MURDOCK, L.; HERSHMAN, D.; PEDLEY, K.; FERNANDES, J. M. C.; BAVARESCO, J.
2018Adaptation of in vitro regeneration protocol for Brazilian wheat genotypes.ROESLER, E. A.; MANFROI, E.; MORAS, A.; DIDONÉ, D. A.; GRANDO, M. F.; YAMAZAKI-LAU, E.
2016Performance of wheat cultivars in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 2014.CASTRO, R. L. de; CAIERAO, E.; SÓ E SILVA, M.; SCHEEREN, P. L.; AIRES, R. F.; LANNES, S. D.
2016Wheat crop in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 2014.CASTRO, R. L. de; CAIERAO, E.; PASINATO, A.; SCHEEREN, P. L.; SÓ E SILVA, M.
2016Wheat in Brazil - 2015 crop year.CAIERAO, E.; CASTRO, R. L. de; SÓ E SILVA, M.; SCHEEREN, P. L.
2016Hymenopterous parasitoids associated with aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in the wheat crop in Campo Verde, MT, Brazil.SILVA, P. S.; MARSARO JÚNIOR, A. L.; OLIVEIRA, N. de; MULTANI, A. J. S.
2016Antioxidant responses of wheat plants under stress.CAVERZAN, A.; CASASSOLA, A.; BRAMMER, S. P.