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Resultado 1-10 de 18.
Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2011Characterization and expression of two cDNA encoding 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase isoforms in coffee (Coffea arabica L.).TISKI, I.; MARRACCINI, P.; POT, D.; VIEIRA, L. G.; PEREIRA, L. F. P.
2011Expression patterns of three α-expansin isoforms in Coffea arabica during fruit development.BUDZINSKI, I. G. F.; SANTOS, T. B.; SERA, T.; POT, D.; VIEIRA, L. G. E.; PEREIRA, L. F. P.
2011Improving the quality of African robustas: QTLs for yield- and quality-related traits in Coffea canephora.LEROY, T.; DE BELLIS, F.; LEGNATE, H.; KANANURA, E.; GONZALES, G.; PEREIRA, L. F. P.; ANDRADE, A. C.; CHARMETANT, P.; MONTAGNON, C.; CUBRY, P.; MARRACCINI, P.; POT, D.; KOCHKO, A. de
2015Galactinol synthase transcriptional profile in two genotypes of Coffea canephora with contrasting tolerance to drought.SANTOS, T. B. dos; LIMA, R. B. de; NAGASHIMA, G. T.; PETKOWICZ, C. L. de O.; CARPENTIERI-PÍPOLO, V.; PEREIRA, L. F. P.; DOMINGUES, D. S.; VIEIRA, L. G. E.
2009Cost efficiency of cryopreservation as a long-term conservation method for coffee genetic resources.DULLOO, M. E.; EBERT, A. W.; DUSSERT, S.; GOTOR, E.; ASTORGA, C.; VASQUEZ, N.; RAKOTOMALALA, J. J.; RABEMIAFARA, A.; EIRA, M. T. S. da; BELLACHEW, B.; OMONDI, C.; ENGELMANN, F.; ANTHONY, F.; WATTS, J.; QUAMAR, Z.; SNOOK, L.
2009Altered expression of the caffeine synthase gene in a naturally caffeine-free mutant of Coffea arabica.MALUF, M. P.; SILVA, C. C. da; OLIVEIRA, M. de P. A. de; TAVARES, A. G.; SILVAROLLA, M. B.; GUERREIRO FILHO, O.
2009Development and validation of SSR markers for Coffea arabica L.MISSIO, R. F.; CAIXETA, E. T.; ZAMBOLIM, E. M.; ZAMBOLIM, L.; SAKIYAMA, N. S.
2009The promoter of a gene encoding an isoflavone reductase-like protein in coffee (Coffea arabica) drives a stress-responsive expression in leaves.BRANDALISE, M.; SEVERINO, F. E.; MALUF, M. P.; MAIA, I. G.
2009Proteomic evaluation of coffee zygotic embryos in two different stages of seed development.FRANCO, O. L.; PELEGRINI, P. B.; GOMES, C. P. C.; SOUZA, A.; COSTA, F. T.; DUMONT, G.; QUIRINO, B. F.; EIRA, M. T. S. da; MEHAT, A.
2017Assisted-selection of naturally caffeine-free coffee cultivars-characterization of SNPs from a methyltransferase gene.FAVORETTO, P.; SILVA, C. C. da; TAVARES, A. G.; GIATTI, G.; MORAES, P. F.; LOBATO, M. T. V.; SILVAROLLA, M. B.; OLIVEIRO FILHO, G.; MALUF, M. P.