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Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
1995Aproveitamento de áreas abandonadas na Amazônia, através de sistemas de policultivo.GASPAROTTO, L.; PREISINGER, H. R.; LIEBEREI, R.; FELDMANN, F.
1998Rhizobial diversity in rain forest, natural reclamation and cultivated areas.SILVA, F. V.; SILVA JUNIOR, J. P. da; RUMJANEK, G.
1998Environment-tree growth relationships of plantation grown tropical tree species as a basis for sustainable timber production in mixed culture systems in central Amazonia.DUNISCH, O.; BAUCH, J.; GASPAROTTO, L.; NEVES, E.; AZEVEDO, C. de; LIMA, R. de; MORAIS, R. de
1996Avaliação de sistemas agroflorestais em áreas de pastagens abandonadas e/ou degradadas na Amazônia Ocidental.SOUSA, S. G. A. de; FERNANDES, E. C. M.; MATOS, J. C. de S.; PERIN, R.; WANDELLI, E. V.; ARCOVERDE, M.; NEVES, A. L.
1998Single-tree effects in agroforestry with perennial crops - an approach to the optimization of tropical land-use systems.SCHROT, G.; TEIXEIRA, W. G.; VILLANI, E.; FACCIN, P. O.; HAAG, D.; WOLF, M.; CORREIA, F. W. S.; SILVA, L. F. da; SEIXAS, R.; ZECH, W.
1998Investigations on tree species suitable for the recultivation of degraded land areas in Central Amazonia.DUNISCH, O.; BAUCH, J.; MULLER, M.; SCHWARZ, T.; POLACZCK, S.; GASPAROTTO, L.; NEVES, E.; AZEVEDO, C. de; LIMA, R. de; MORAIS, R. de
1998Growth of selected tropical tree species in three different plantation systems near Manaus, Central Amazonia.AZEVEDO, C. P. de; LIMA, R. M. B. de; NEVES, E. J. M.; GASPAROTTO, L.
1995Biomass production and mineral element content of selected useful tropical plants.SCHMIDT, P.; LIEBEREI, R.; PREISINGER, H.; GASPAROTTO, L.; BAUCH, J.
1995Recultivation of abandoned monoculture areas in the Amazon: basic concept of the field experiment and summary of results.PREISINGER, H.; GASPAROTTO, L.; FELDMANN, F; LIEBEREI, R.
1995Investigations on suitable tree especies for the reforestation of degraded land areas in Central Amazonia.BAUCH, J.; DUNISCH, O.; GASPAROTTO, L.; NEVES, E. M.; LIMA, R. M. B.; BUENO, M.