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Resultado 21-30 de 45.
Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2000Influence of the water supply on the cambial growth dynamics of Swietenia macrophylla King under controlled conditions.MORAIS, R.; DUNISCH, O.; GASPAROTTO, L.
2000Soil termites in a rainforest, a secondary forest and mixed-culture plantation sites in central Amazonia.MARTIUS, C.; SILVA, E. G.; GARCIA, M. V. B.; MORAIS, J. W.
2000Dinamica de fosforo no solo sob cupuacu (Theobroma grandiflorum) e urucum (Bixa orellana) em um sistema agroflorestal na Amazonia Central.CAMPOS, C. E. B.; LEHMANN, J.; MACEDO, J. L. V. de; SILVA JUNIOR, J. P. da
2002Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) Schum: production factors in agro-ecosystems.REISDORFF, C.; MARINO, W.; SOUZA, A. das G. C. de; SCHROTH, G.; SCHMIDT, P.
2000Phosphorus management for perennial crops in the Amazon.CRAVO, M. da S.; LEHMANN, J.; MACEDO, J. L. V.
2000Soil physical and hydrological parameters as indicator for the sustainability of land use systems in degraded areas on terra firme in the Amazon basin.TEIXEIRA, W. G.; HUWE, B.; SCHROTH, G.
2000Fertilization effects on soil P, K, Ca and Mg contents in a mixed tree cropping system in Central Amazonia.MOTA, M. do S.; LEHMANN, J.; SCHROTH, G.
2000Pueraria phaseoloides as a cover crop in agroforestry systems in the humid tropics: growth, nutrition and biological N2 fixation.SILVA JUNIOR, J. P. da; LEHMANN, J.; LOZADA, N.
2000Pest and disease incidence in agroforestry systems of the Brazilian Central Amazon.GASPAROTTO, L.; DUARTE A. J. A.; SCHROTH, G.; LIEBEREI, R.
2000Assessing nutrient flux control in agroforestry.LEHMANN, J.; SCHROTH, G.; TEIXEIRA, W. G.