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Resultado 1-10 de 14.
Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
1998Determination of ecologically relevant pools for soil organic matter stability in terra firme oxisols.LEHMANN, J.; CRAVO, M.; ZECH, W.
1998Investigations on tree species suitable for the recultivation of degraded land areas in Central Amazonia.DUNISCH, O.; BAUCH, J.; MULLER, M.; SCHWARZ, T.; POLACZCK, S.; GASPAROTTO, L.; NEVES, E.; AZEVEDO, C. de; LIMA, R. de; MORAIS, R. de
1998Comparative studies on autoecology of four species of Miconia (Melastomataceae).MORAIS, R. R. de; PREISINGER, H.
1998Production of cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) in different polyculture systems.MACEDO, J. L. V. de; MORAES, C. R. de A.; MOTA, A. M.
1998Development and production of coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) in an agroforestry system.MORAES, C. R. A.; MACEDO, J. L. V. de; MOTA, A. M.; ARAUJO, R. C.
1998Production of urucum (Bixa orellana L.) in an agroforestry system.MOTA, A. M.; MACEDO, J. L. V. de; MORAES, C. R. A.; ARAUJO, R. C.
1998Growth of selected tropical tree species in three different plantation systems near Manaus, Central Amazonia.AZEVEDO, C. P. de; LIMA, R. M. B. de; NEVES, E. J. M.; GASPAROTTO, L.
1998Spatial and temporal data for assessing layout and sustainability of perennial polycultures - consequences of growth heterogeneity.WOLF, M. A.; NUNES, C. D. M.; ZECH, W.; SCHROTH, G.
1998Protein patterns of ripe seeds of Theobroma cacao, T. grandiflorum, and T. bicolor.REISDORFF, C.; SOUZA, A. das G. C. de; LIEBEREI, R.; BIEHL, B.
1998Development of castanha do Brasil (Bertholletia excelsa H.B.R.) in a polyculture system.LIMA, R. M. B. de; AZEVEDO, C. P. de; OLIVEIRA, M. C. de; GASPAROTTO, L.