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Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
1995Incidence of foliar diseases in mixed cultivation systems.GASPAROTTO, L.; LIMA, M. I. P. M.
1998Cost/benefit analysis of agroforestry systems: a case study.RODRIGUES, F. M.; MORAES, C. R. A.; GASPAROTTO, L.
2000Pest and disease incidence in agroforestry systems of the Brazilian Central Amazon.GASPAROTTO, L.; DUARTE A. J. A.; SCHROTH, G.; LIEBEREI, R.
1995Utilization of abandoned areas in Amazonia by polycultures of perennial useful plants.FELDMANN, F.; LIEBEREI, R.; PREISINGER, H.; GASPAROTTO, L.
2000Development and production of cupuacu-plants on degraded areas: implication of water relations.REISDORFF, C.; SCHROTH, G.; MOTA, A. M. da; GASPAROTTO, L.
2000Characteristics of sustainable polyculture production systems on terra firme.LIEBEREI, R.; GASPAROTTO, L.; PREISINGER, H.; SCHROTH, G.
2000Spatial and temporal change of the spontaneous vegetation in an agricultural field experiment.PREISINGER, H.; COELHO, L. F.; GASPAROTTO, L.; LIEBEREI, R.
1998Microorganisms in the rhizosphere of useful tropical plants.KRUSE, W. T.; MARCHNER, P.; FELDMANN, F.; LIEBEREI, R.; GASPAROTTO, L.
2000Phosphate solubilizing from the rhizosphere of Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) Schum, and Bactris gasipaes H.B.K.: potential for plant growth promotion.MARINO, W.; MARSCHNER, P.; GASPAROTTO, L.
1998The development of cupuacu plants (Theobroma grandiflorum Willd. ex Spreng. Schum) in different mixed cultivation systems and the effect of topograph features.REISDORFF, C.; LIEBEREI, R.; GASPAROTTO, L.; ARAUJO, R. C.; MORAES, C. R. A.