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Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
1995Utilization of abandoned areas in Amazonia by polycultures of perennial useful plants.FELDMANN, F.; LIEBEREI, R.; PREISINGER, H.; GASPAROTTO, L.
1995Aproveitamento de áreas abandonadas na Amazônia, através de sistemas de policultivo.GASPAROTTO, L.; PREISINGER, H. R.; LIEBEREI, R.; FELDMANN, F.
1998Nutrient and water dynamics in a multi-strata agroforestry system.LEHMANN, J.; SCHROTH, G.; TEIXEIRA, W.; WOLFGANG ZECH, W.; CRAVO, M. da S.
1995Incidence of foliar diseases in mixed cultivation systems.GASPAROTTO, L.; LIMA, M. I. P. M.
1995The microclimate in selected cultivation systems in the SHIFT Experimental Area near Manaus-AM.CABRAL, O. M. R.
1998Recultivation of cleared and abandoned sites in the Amazon by agroforestry systems, a SHIFT - project.GASPAROTTO, L.; FELDMAN, F.; ARAUJO, R. C.; MORAES, C. R. A.; LIEBEREI, R.
1998Recultivation of cleared and abandoned sites in the Amazon by agroforestry system, a SHIFT-project.GASPAROTTO, L.; FELDMAN, F.; ARAUJO, R. C.; MORAES, C. R. A.; LIEBEREI, R.
1995Species composition and diversity of the vegetation of differently used terra firme sites near Manaus-AM.PREISINGER, H.; MARTINS, G. C.; COELHO, L. F.
1998Environment-tree growth relationships of plantation grown tropical tree species as a basis for sustainable timber production in mixed culture systems in central Amazonia.DUNISCH, O.; BAUCH, J.; GASPAROTTO, L.; NEVES, E.; AZEVEDO, C. de; LIMA, R. de; MORAIS, R. de
1998Microbial respiration and biomass in tropical soil and litter.FARIAS, M.; FORSTER, B.; LUIZAO, R.