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Resultado 1-10 de 98.
Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2017Susceptibility of common bean and soybean to water stress evaluated at the sitis phenotyping platform.GUIMARÃES, C. M.; STONE, L. F.; ZITO, R. K.
2017Susceptibility of common bean and soybean to water stress evaluated at the sitis phenotyping platform.GUIMARÃES, C. M.; STONE, L. F.; ZITO, R. K.
2017Spatial arrangements for super-early genotypes for common bean production.MONDO, V. H. V.; NASCENTE, A. S.
2017Portable chlorophyll meter can estimate the nitrogen sufficiency index and levels of topdressing nitrogen in common bean.SILVEIRA, P. M. da; GONZAGA, A. C. de O.
2017Nitrogen management effects on soil mineral nitrogen, plant nutrition and yield of super early cycle common bean genotypes.NASCENTE, A. S.; CARVALHO, M. da C. S.; MELO, L. C.; ROSA, P. H.
2017Depth of sulfur fertilization as affecting nodulation and grain yield of common bean.NASCENTE, A. S.; SILVEIRA, P. M.; SILVA, J. G.; FERREIRA, E. P. B.
2017Genetic, environmental and genotype x environment interaction effects on the common bean grain yield and commercial quality.PEREIRA, H. S.; ALVARES, R. C.; SILVA, F. de C.; FARIA, L. C. de; MELO, L. C.
2017Culinary and nutritional quality of common bean lines with Carioca grain type and interaction with environments.PEREIRA, H. S.; ALVARES, R. C.; MELO, L. C.; COSTA, A. F. da; CARVALHO, H. W. L. de
2017Co-segregation of recombinant inbred lines of the common bean to races 65 and 73 Colletotrichum lindemuthianum.PELEMBE, A. E.; VIDIGAL FILHO, P. S.; GONÇALVES-VIDIGAL, M. C.; LACANALLO, G. F.; MARTINS, V. S. R.; CASTRO, S. A. L.; SOUZA, T. L. P. O. de
2017Potencial mitigador da fixação biológica de N sobre emissão de N2O em latossolo de cerrado.CARVALHO, M. T. de M.; MADARI, B. E.; CARVALHO, M. da C. S.; TEODORO, I. F.