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Resultado 1-10 de 75.
Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
1995Acceptance of mixed cropping systems by farmers.LIMA, R. M. B. de
2002Influence of solar radiation on offshoot number and production of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) in agroforestry systems in Central Amazonia.MORAES, C. R. A.; CASTRO, P. R. C.; BERNARDES, M. S.; MACÊDO, J. L. V.
1998Root development of tropical useful plants in the early state of plantation on degraded sites in Amazonia.VOB, K.; FELDMANN, F.; GASPAROTTO, L.; LIEBEREI, R.
1998Environment-tree growth relationships of plantation grown tropical tree species as a basis for sustainable timber production in mixed culture systems in Central Amazonia.DUNISCH, O.; BAUCH, J.; GASPAROTTO, L.; NEVES, E.; AZEVEDO, C. de; LIMA, R. de; MORAIS, R. de
2002Balance of the solar radiation in agroforestry systems in Central Amazonia.CORREIA, F. W. S.; MACÊDO, J. L. V.; SCHROTH, G.
2000Dinamica de fosforo no solo sob cupuacu (Theobroma grandiflorum) e urucum (Bixa orellana) em um sistema agroflorestal na Amazonia Central.CAMPOS, C. E. B.; LEHMANN, J.; MACEDO, J. L. V. de; SILVA JUNIOR, J. P. da
2000High quality timber production in mixed plantations of the Amazon.DUNISCH, O.; GASPAROTTO, L.; AZEVEDO, C. P. de; NEVES, E. M.; BAUCH, J.
2000Influencia da presenca de cupinzeiros na biomassa da vegetacao de pastagem degradada, floresta secundaria e sistema agroflorestal.QUEIROZ, J. M. T.; ACKERMAN, I. A.; WANDELLI, E. V.; RONDON, M. A.
2000Dinamica de nutrientes num Latossolo Amarelo, em um sistema agroflorestal na Amazonia Central.MOTA, M. do S. S. da; LEHMANN, J.; SCHROTH, G.; SILVA JUNIOR, J. P. da
2000Fate of applied N fertilizer in mixed cropping systems in the central Amazon.DINKELMEYER, H.; LEHMANN, J.; KAISER, K.; TEIXEIRA, W. G.; RENCK, A.; ZECH, W.