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Title: Artificial insemination in goats.
Authors: NUNES, J. F.
Affiliation: CNPC / EPEAL.
Date Issued: 1987
Citation: In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GOATS, 4., 1987, Brasília, DF. Proceedings... Brasília, DF: EMBRAPA-DDT, 1987. v. 1. p. 733-743.
Description: Technical and economical evaluation of determined practices of reproduction and breeding, focused here on artificial insemination of reproduction and breeding, focused here on artificial insemination and the further measurement of matings, shows a high productive efficiency in the development of dairy goats. Artificial insemination in Brazil, especially in the Northeast, spread in a rapid, massive and positive way to determine genetic characteristics for dairy production. This program through the utilization of tested bucks has contributed to the firs offspring with significant increases in milk production. The presentation of the best breeds through a germplasm bank, using improvement technology of goat semen has made possible new technological alternatives for goat breeders program of dairy goats in the Northeast and for extension to other parts of Brazil.
Thesagro: Caprino
Reprodução animal
Inseminação artificial
NAL Thesaurus: Goats
Artificial insemination
Type of Material: Artigo em anais e proceedings
Access: openAccess
Appears in Collections:Artigo em anais de congresso (CNPC)

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