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Título: Cover crop and fertilization effects on nutrient dynamics in fruit tree cropping inthe central Amazon.
Autoria: MOTA, M. do S.
Afiliação: Bolsista CNPq; University of Bayreuth; University of Hamburg.
Ano de publicação: 2000
Referência: In: GERMAN-BRAZILIAN WORKSHOP ON NEOTROPICAL ECOSYSTEMS, 2000, Hamburg. Programa and abstracts... Hamburg: University, 2000.
Páginas: p. 179.
Conteúdo: Studies on the effect of fertilization on soil acidity and pH dynamics in a mixed tree croping system with castanha-do-Para (Brazil nut), cupuacu, pupunha (peach palm), urucu (annatto) and pueraria.Fertilizer at four different levels (30%, 100%+P and 30%-N-lime, of the recommended fertilization, Embrapa Amazonia Ocidental, Manaus-AM, Brasil) was applied. Fertilization at a level of 30%-N-lime produced highest acidity compared to the other levels of fertilization. The effect of fertilization on soil acidity was restricted to a depth of 0 cm-5 cm. Pueraria and urucu presented the highest acidity at all. depths. The effec of soil pH was opposite to acidity, highest for cupuacu and pupunha and lowest for urucu at all depths.
Thesagro: Adubação
Bactris Gasipaes
Bixa Orellana
Bertholletia Excelsa
Castanha do Para
Conservação do Solo
Cobertura do Solo
Cultivo Multiplo
Fertilidade do Solo
Floresta Tropical Úmida
Pueraria Phaseoloides
Theobroma Grandiflorum
NAL Thesaurus: Pueraria
multiple cropping
tropical rain forests
soil conservation
Palavras-chave: Agrofloresta
Soil fertily
Fertilizers application
Cover plants
Tipo do material: Resumo em anais e proceedings
Acesso: openAccess
Aparece nas coleções:Resumo em anais de congresso (CPAA)

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