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2018Expression of disease resistance in genetically modified grapevines correlates with the contents of viral sequences in the T-DNA and global genome methylation.BOSCO, D. D.; SINSKI, I.; RITSCHEL, P. S.; CAMARGO, U. A.; FAJARDO, T. V. M.; HARAKAVA, R.; QUECINI, V.
2008Expression of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 2 coat protein gene in Escherichia coli and polyclonal antibody production.FAJARDO, T. V. M.; RADAELLI, P.; NICKEL, O.; EIRAS, M.; PIO-RIBEIRO, G.
2007Expression of grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 coat protein gene in Escherichia coli and production of polyclonal antibodies.FAJARDO, T. V. M.; BARROS, D. R.; NICKEL, O.; KUHN, G.; ZERBINI, M.
2007Expression of grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 coat protein gene in Escherichia coli and production of polyclonal antibodies.FAJARDO, T. V. M.; BARROS, D. R.; NICKEL, O.; KUHN, G. B.; ZERBINI, F. M.
2020First report of grapevine associated jivivirus 1 infecting grapevines in Brazil.SILVA, J. M. F.; FAJARDO, T. V. M.; AL RWAHNIH, M.; NAGATA, T.
2017First report of grapevine pinot gris virus infecting grapevine in Brazil.FAJARDO, T. V. M.; EIRAS, M; NICKEL, O.
2015First report of grapevine reovirus infecting cabernet sauvignon grapevine in Brazil.FAJARDO, T. V. M.; AL RWAHNIH, M.; NAGATA, T.; MELO, F. I.
2018First report of Hop stunt viroid infecting Vitis gigas, V. flexuosa and Ampelopsis heterophylla.FAJARDO, T. V. M.; EIRAS, M.; NICKEL, O.
2020First report on detection of three Bunya-Like Viruses in apples in Brazil.NICKEL, O.; FAJARDO, T. V. M.; CANDRESSE, T.
2021First report on occurrence of apple hammerhead viroid in apples in Brazil.NICKEL, O.; FAJARDO, T. V. M.; CANDRESSE, T.
2010Fisiologia foliar e qualidade enológica da uva em videiras infectadas por vírus.BASSO, M. F.; FAJARDO, T. V. M.; SANTOS, H. P. dos; GUERRA, C. C.; AYUB, R. A.; NICKEL, O.
2008Genetic diversity of the movement and coat protein genes of South American isolates of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus.FIORE, N.; FAJARDO, T. V. M.; PRODAN, S.; HERRANZ, M. C.; APARICIO, F.; MONTEALEGRE, J.; ELENA, S. F.; PALLÁS, V.; SÁNCHEZ-NAVARRO, J.
2011Grapevine fleck virus: detecção via RT-PCR em tempo real e caracterização molecular do gene da proteína capsidial.FAJARDO, T. V. M.; DUBIELA, C. R.; EIRAS, M.; SOUTO, E. R.; NICKEL, O.
2017Grapevine virus diseases: economic impact and current advances in viral prospection and management.BASSO, M. F.; FAJARDO, T. V. M.; SALDARELLI, P.
2013Grapevine viruses survey in Pernambuco, Paraiba and Bahia states, Brazil.CATARINO, A. D. M.; FAJARDO, T. V. M.; RIBEIRO, G. P.; NICKEL, O.
2015Grapevine yellow speckle viroid 1 detected in symptomatic grapevines in Brazil.FAJARDO, T. V. M.; EIRAS, M.; NICKEL, O.
2017High-throughput sequencing applied for the identification of viruses infecting grapevines in Brazil and genetic variability analysis.FAJARDO, T. V. M.; SILVA, F. N.; EIRAS, M.; NICKEL, O.
2013Implementação da técnica de RT-PCR em tempo real para diagnóstico viral no Laboratório de Virologia da Embrapa Uva e Vinho.VANNI, M. F.; FAJARDO, T. V. M.; NICKEL, O.
2018In silico detection of a defective genomic RNA of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 4 strain 5 in High-Throughput Sequencing data.SILVA, J. M. F.; BLAWID, R.; NAGATA, T.; FAJARDO, T. V. M.
2021Incidência de viroses em videiras no Vale do Rio do Peixe (Brasil) e parâmetros de amostragem para indexação viral em videiras.FAJARDO, T. V. M.; MENEZES-NETTO, A. C.; NICKEL, O.