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Título: Crozier & Luhmann: social theory as a support for a systemic socioterritorial modeling and simulation.
Autor: SILVA, M. A. S. da
Año: 2014
Referencia: WORLD CONGRESS SIMULATION, 5., 2014, São Paulo. Proceedings... São Paulo, 2014.
Descripción: This paper shows how a socioterritorial system could be computationally modeled by means of two social theories, Sociology of Organized Action (SOA) and Social Systems (SS) to study power relations among social actors. It is concluded that both approaches helps the empirical research and that they complement each other, while SOA emphasizes the power relations, the SS focuses on the generative process of communication.
Palabras clave: Sociology of organized
Social systems
Regional analysis
Organização social
Sistema social
Tipo de Material: Artigo em anais e proceedings
Acceso: openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Artigo em anais de congresso (CPATC)

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