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Título: Modeling nitrous oxide emissions in grass and grass-legume pastures in the western Brazilian Amazon.
Autor: COSTA, F. de S.
FREITAS, A. C. R. de
SOUZA, C. P. de
Afiliación: FALBERNI DE SOUZA COSTA, CPAF-Acre; MAYKEL FRANKLIM LIMA SALES, CPAF-Acre; ANTONIO CARLOS REIS DE FREITAS, CPACP; Cleberson Pereira de Souza, Universidade Federal do Acre.
Año: 2016
Referencia: In: SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE GASES DE EFEITO ESTUFA NA AGROPECUÁRIA, 2. 2016, Campo Grande, MS. Anais... Campo Grande: Embrapa Gado de Corte, 2016.
Páginas: 3 p.
Descripción: Mineral nitrogen (N) dynamics in soil and the exchange of N gaseous in the interface soil-atmosphere are intimately associated with animal manure in pastures. According to soil inorganic-N pools and the site studied, forest or pasture, and pastures age the soil inorganic-N pools of ammonium and nitrate can be similar in the forest or ammonium dominated in the pasture. Also annual average net nitrification rates at soil surface in forest can be higher than in pasture suggesting a higher potential for nitrate-N losses either through leaching or gaseous emissions from intact forests compared with established pastures (NEILL et al., 1995).
Thesagro: Gramínea Forrageira
Palabras clave: Emissão de óxido nitroso
Esterco animal
Notas: Coordenação: Roberto Giolo de Almeida.
Tipo de Material: Artigo em anais e proceedings
Acceso: openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Artigo em anais de congresso (CPAF-AC)

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