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Title: Agroclimatic zoning for eucalyptus in the state of Paraná and the new scenarios defined by global climate change.
Authors: WREGE, M. S.
Affiliation: MARCOS SILVEIRA WREGE, CNPF; Paulo H. Caramori, Agrometeorologia, IAPAR, Londrina; ELENICE FRITZSONS, CNPF; Adriane Partala, Estudante de graduação, UFPR; Georgia Luize Christensen, Estudante de graduação, UFPR.
Date Issued: 2017
Citation: Revista Geama, Recife, v. 3, n. 4, p. 216-228, out./dez. 2017.
Description: Brazil is a country with one the largest areas of forest plantations in the world. The state of Paraná (PR) has the largest area of designated plantations in the country. The main cultivated species belong to the genus Eucalyptus. In this work, the areas of better favorability for planting the main species of commercial value eucalyptus were defined. Additionally, changes may also occur in these zones in the coming decades, due to global climate change. For this purpose, future scenarios were elaborated using a stochastic time series simulation software, to assess the possible changes of the climate and indicate potential consequences regarding the changes of eucalyptus plantation zones. The results show that there will be an increase in areas favorable to the commercial plantations of E. grandis and E. urograndis, species cultivated in the Cfa climate zone (subtropical zones). For E. benthamii, a species cultivated mostly in the Cfb climate zone (temperate zones), there will be a reduction of suitable areas for commercial plantations in Paraná, with displacement to areas located to the south and at higher altitudes, where edaphic limitations may occur.
Thesagro: Eucalipto
Aptidão climática
NAL Thesaurus: Eucalyptus
Global warming
Keywords: Zoneamento agroclimático
Rural credit
Agricultural insurance
Agricultural risk
Type of Material: Artigo de periódico
Access: openAccess
Appears in Collections:Artigo em periódico indexado (CNPF)

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