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Title: Fatores edafoclimáticos relacionados à produção de sementes em castanhais nativos de Roraima.
Authors: IVANOV, G. B.
Affiliation: Guilherme Boeira Ivanov, UFMA; Frederico Dimas Fleig, UFSM; HELIO TONINI, CPPSUL.
Date Issued: 2018
Citation: Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, v. 38, e201701553, 2018.
Description: Despite the socioeconomic importance for the Amazon, knowledge about the factors that influence the production of Brazil nuts is still incipient. In this paper we evaluate the influence of precipitation and soil texture, flood and depth on seed production. The data were collected in native trees monitored in permanent plots of 9 ha (300 m x 300 m) in the municipality of Caracaraí, Roraima State, for five years. We used Pearson correlation to select the precipitation period and we conclude that the precipitation of September was positively correlated with fruit production. The soil variables were evaluated by ANOVA and we observed that higher precipitations in September, month of transition from dry to rainy season, correlated significantly and positively with seed production. Trees in deep soils with clay loam texture showed higher seed production than those in shallow soils.
Thesagro: Semente
Bertholletia Excelsa
Type of Material: Artigo de periódico
Access: openAccess
Appears in Collections:Artigo em periódico indexado (CPPSUL)

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