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Título: Efeitos fixos sobre desempenho ponderal em bovinos Nelore no Acre.
Autor: SILVA, R. R. da
SILVA, R. R. C. da
Afiliación: Renan Regis Carneiro da Silva, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso (UFMT); Mauricio Santos Silva, Universidade Federal do Acre (Ufac); JOSE MARQUES CARNEIRO JUNIOR, CPAF-AC; Antônia Kaylyanne Pinheiro, Universidade Federal do Acre (Ufac); Ramon Regis Carneiro da Silva, Faculdade de Educação e Meio Ambiente; Rafael Carneiro Ranucci, Universidade Federal do Acre (Ufac).
Año: 2018
Referencia: In: REUNIÃO ANUAL DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE ZOOTECNIA, 55.; CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ZOOTECNIA, 28., 2018, Goiânia. Construindo saberes, formando pessoas e transformando a produção animal: anais. Gioânia: SBZ: ABZ, 2018.
Páginas: 5 p.
Descripción: The Ponderal Performance, composed of bovine weights at different ages, is considered of great importance within a breeding program, since from it is possible to identify animals of high capacity to gain weight during the pre and post-weaning phases. However, this characteristic presents environmental influences, which makes it difficult to identify the genetic effect related to the performance of the animals. In this sense, the present study aimed to identify the significance of the fixed effects of batch management, sex, year and season birth on the characteristics of weight at 120 days, weight at 240 days and weight at 550 days. For this, the minimum squares method was used, through the GLM procedure. Significant influence of sex effect, on weight at 120 days, sex and birth season, on weight at 240 days and batch of management, sex and year of birth, was observed for weight at 550 days.
Thesagro: Gado de Corte
Gado Nelore
Ganho de Peso
Melhoramento Genético Animal
Parâmetro Genético
NAL Thesaurus: Beef cattle
Animal breeding
Weight gain
Palabras clave: Ganado de carne
Raza de bovinos Nelore
Cruce de animales
Aumento de peso
Genetic factors
Factores genéticos
Tipo de Material: Artigo em anais e proceedings
Acceso: openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Artigo em anais de congresso (CPAF-AC)

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