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Title: A comunidade de abelhas (Hymenoptera - Apoidea) de duas áreas de interesse biológico e histórico em Santa Catarina.
Authors: KRUG, C.
Date Issued: 2010
Citation: 2010.
Pages: 143 f.
Description: The bee community (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) was studied in two preservation areas in the Santa Catarina state: at the Serra do Itajaí National Park (PNSI) in Blumenau and the Fritz Plaumann State Park (PEFP) in Concórdia. The bees were collected in each area bimonthly for two years, from January 2008 to March 2010. Three collecting methods were employed: pantrap, entomological nets and smell baits. 6074 individuals of 193 bee species were sampled: 3112 individuals of 133 species in Blumenau and 2962 individuals of 110 species from Concórdia. Fifty bee species were found in both areas. Apidae was the most abundant family in number of individuals and species in both localities, followed by Halictidae. The richness of species in Blumenau was higher than in Concórdia, what probably reflects a better a preservation of the former. The network between bees and plants was studied using the data from the entomological nets. In Blumenau, the 124 bee species collected interacted with 110 plant species, totalizing 623 qualitative and 2780 quantitative interactions. In Concórdia, the 99 bee species interacted with 77 plant species, totalizing 434 qualitative and 2764 quantitative interactions. The similarity between the bee fauna in both areas was high; however the flora similarity was low. The networks from both areas are nested and have a strong asymmetry, showing a pattern that is similar to the one found in different studies of mutualistic interactions. Comparing theses results to the bee fauna found by Fritz Müller in the surroundings of Blumenau in the XIX century and by Fritz Plaumann in the surroundings of Concórdia in the XX century, we observe that only 41% and 16% were common, respectively, or it is possible that many bee species could be locally extinct. As a study case, the floral visitors and some pollination aspects of the tristylyspecies Oxalis cytizoides Mart. & Zucc (Oxalidaceae) were evaluated at the PEFP. Among the 30 visiting bee species, stand out as potential pollinators Hypanthium divaricatum, Lophopedia nigrispinis and Ceratina sp. 16 due to the high visit frequency and active pollen collection on the flowers.
Thesagro: Entomologia
Notes: Tese (Doutorado em Ciências) - Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto.
Type of Material: Teses
Access: openAccess
Appears in Collections:Tese/dissertação (CPAA)

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