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Title: Community of Monogenea in populations of Cichla monoculus from two tributaries of the Amazon River in the Northern Brazil.
Authors: OLIVEIRA, M. S. B.
Affiliation: M. S. B. OLIVEIRA, UFOPA. Postgraduate Program in Amazonian Continental Aquatic Resources; E. APARECIDO ADRIANO, UNIFESP; MARCOS TAVARES DIAS, CPAF-AP; L. LIMA CORRÊA, UFOPA. PPG-RACAM.
Date Issued: 2019
Citation: Helminthologia, v. 56, n. 1, p. 1-10, 2019.
Description: This study compared the monogeneans community in C. monoculus from the Tapajós River (state of Pará) and Jari River (state of Amapá), northern Brazil. A total of 2188 monogeneans belonging to eight taxa were collected from the gills of fi sh: Gussevia arilla, Gussevia longihaptor, Gussevia tucunarense, Gussevia undulata, Sciadicleithrum ergensi, Sciadicleithrum umbilicum, Sciadicleithrum uncinatum and Tucunarella cichlae. Gussevia arilla was the dominant species for C. monoculus from the Tapajós River basin, while S. umbilicum predominated among the hosts from the Jari River basin. For the two populations of C. monoculus, the prevalence, mean intensity and mean abundance of monogeneans were different and the of parasites community had a high qualitative similarity (87.5 %). The monogeneans community of C. monoculus was characterized by high species richness, with infection values varying from low to moderate. The geographic distance and differences in environmental characteristics arising from the same did not infl uence the richness of species of monogeneans infesting C. monoculus in the Tapajós and Jari rivers, but appear to have been determinants in the differences observed in the structure of the monogenean communities in each region.
Thesagro: Parasito de Animal
Peixe de Água Doce
NAL Thesaurus: Ectoparasites
Keywords: Rio Jari
Rio Tapajós
DOI: 10.2478/helm-2018-0043
Type of Material: Artigo de periódico
Access: openAccess
Appears in Collections:Artigo em periódico indexado (CPAF-AP)

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