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Título: Estimation of genetic parameters and selection of Coffea canephora progenies evaluated in Brazilian Western Amazon.
Autor: BERGO, C. L.
LUNZ, A. M. P.
ASSIS, G. M. L. de
Afiliación: CELSO LUIS BERGO, CPAF-AC; Daniela Popim Miqueloni, Universidade Federal do Acre (Ufac); AURENY MARIA PEREIRA LUNZ, CPAF-AC; GISELLE MARIANO LESSA DE ASSIS, CPAF-AC.
Año: 2020
Referencia: Coffee Science, v. 15, e151663, 2020.
Descripción: Coffee has emerged as an economic alternative culture in the State of Acre, Brazil, but without a clonal variety recommended for the state to overcome the unevenness presented by seed crops. Thus, in order to estimate genetic parameters and indicate progenies of Coffea canephora to compose a clonal variety for the State of Acre, yield, vegetative vigor and plant height were evaluated in five harvests of a randomized complete block experiment with 46 progenies, 4 repetitions and 10 plants per plot by mixed model methodology (REML/BLUP). The harvests were evaluated individually, by the model that considers one harvest, one location and the mean of progenies, and joint analysis (all harvests), by repeatability model with stability and temporal adaptability by the harmonic mean of relative performance of genotypic values method (MHPRVG), with genotypic values of progenies grouped by the Tocher method. There was variability, with possibility of selection, only for grain yield. The yield was strongly affected by production bienniality, with high environmental influence and harvests mean ranging from 14.13±4.60 to 46.20±14.94 bags ha-1 and individual heritabilities from 0.10 to 0.44. Sixteen ?Conilon? coffee progenies with selection gains above 23% were selected. The MHPRVG method allows the refinement of progeny selection throughout the harvests, identifying the most adapted and stable.
Thesagro: Café
Coffea Canephora
Parâmetro Genético
Melhoramento Genético Vegetal
Teste de Progênie
Comportamento de Variedade
Análise Estatística
Campo Experimental
NAL Thesaurus: Plant breeding
Genetic variation
Progeny testing
Variety trials
Statistical analysis
Palabras clave: Café Conilon
Modelo mixto
Mixed model
Variación genética
Prueba de progenie
Ensayos de variedades
Análisis estadístico
Embrapa Acre
Rio Branco (AC)
Amazônia Ocidental
Western Amazon
Amazonia Occidental
ISSN: 1984-3909
Tipo de Material: Artigo de periódico
Acceso: openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Artigo em periódico indexado (CPAF-AC)

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