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Título: Agroforestry systems in the brazilian semi-arid region.
Autor: RIBASKI, J.
Año: 1994
Referencia: In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DESERT DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT FOR OUR COMMON FUTURE, 4., 1994, Mexico. Proceedings... Mexico: International Desert Development Commission - CPCA, 1994.
Páginas: p. 637-642.
Descripción: This paper gives a brief overview of the Brazilian semi-arid region, presenting some of its problems, limitations and potentialities. Within this context, it emphasizes the urgent need of agricultural diversification due to the high risks to which rainfed agriculture is subjected. Based on the potentialities, and on the characteristics os the region, it is suggested the use of agroforestry systems as an important alternative for increasing and improving the regional agricultural productivity, minimizing ecological problems. Among the intercropping systems, the forest and livestock activities, are presented as soil productive capacity, assuring a greater alternative presented is the utilization of trees as living fences and windbreakers. The latter has a great potential for irrigated areas. In addition, agroforestry systems where emphasis has been species. Among the tree species studied so far, Eucalyptus have been outstanding. Regarding the non-arboreal forage species, the genera Cenchrus Urochloa and Opuntia have had more attention.
Thesagro: Agrossilvicultura
NAL Thesaurus: agroforestry
Palabras clave: Sistema agroflorestal
Regiao semi-arida
Semi-arid region
Tipo de Material: Artigo em anais e proceedings
Acceso: openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Artigo em anais de congresso (CPATSA)

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