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Título: Seasonal fluctuation of Oriental fruit Moth Grapholita molesta (Busck) with sexual pheromone trap in peach orchards in Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brazil.
Autor: ARIOLI, C. J.
Afiliación: Cristiano João Arioli, CNPUV; MARCOS BOTTON, CNPUV.
Año: 2005
Referencia: IOBC Wprs Bulletin, Darmstadt, v. 28, n. 7, p. 111-114, 2005.
Páginas: 111-114
Descripción: Seasonal fluctuation ofGrapholfta molesta (Busck, 1916) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) males W:iS evaluated in two commercial peach orchards cv Chiripá in Bento Gonçalves, RS. during June of 200U to July of 2002. The insects were cvaluated weekly using Delta traps (two/orchard) baíted with cornmercial synthetic sex pherornonc (E-8-dodecenyl-acetate + Z-8-dodecenyl-ac~tc + Z-8- dodccenol), Four peaks were observed during peach production period: last week of August, first of Novembcr and December and second of January. Médium temperature sevcn days before evaJuation was positivcly correlated with catches of G. molesta males in the traps. lnformation about seasonal fluctuation Ca.,11be uscd for growers as a tool to guide insecticide treatments for pest control in peach orchards. Key words: Oriental Fruit Moth, seasonal fluctuation, peach, Integrated Fruit Production.
Thesagro: Armadilha
Mariposa Oriental
Praga de Planta
Palabras clave: Produção Integrada de Pêssego
Bento Gonçalves
Rio Grande do Sul
Tipo de Material: Artigo em anais e proceedings
Acceso: openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Artigo em anais de congresso (CNPUV)

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